The Crack Widens…
French Broad EMC Part Two… Proxy Wars Most of you have already received your proxies in the mail, and Jeff Loven has been maneuvering to …
French Broad EMC Part Two… Proxy Wars Most of you have already received your proxies in the mail, and Jeff Loven has been maneuvering to …
Madison Math teacher was reported in February not May! Whoa, Madison County Schools – Sheriff and County Government in full crisis mode! The “Coverup” is …
The God that gave us life gave us liberty at the same time. Thomas Jefferson The Democratic Party have shown us how much they hate …
Madison County Early College teachers and principal Jennifer Caldwell pimp out students for the slaughter of babies. Do you understand now, why everyone is concerned …
How do you think evil gains power? Why are the worst of humans able to rise to influence? Be wary of any polititian eagar for …
Don’t think it won’t come here