This is not about controlling a virus it is about controlling you!
Ok, folks, I am sure you have heard the Pfizer vaccine has been approved by the FDA but guess what they lied. Are you surprised?
Buried in the fine print of Monday’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine, two critical facts affect whether anyone can mandate the vaccine and whether Pfizer can be held liable for injuries.
In fact, the Comirnaty Pfizer vaccine is not available.
The corrupt FDA issued two letters for two separate vaccines.
The one available is still under emergency protection, which means YOU CAN NOT SUE THESE REPROBATES WHEN YOU GET VERY SICK FROM TAKING IT.
The Comirnaty vaccine is not available and is going through testing and has no liability shield, which for all of you in Marshall means YOU CAN SUE THEM FOR THIS ONE!
So tell me, why are you even considering taking something with a liability shield, and why do you need a liability shield if this is such a great thing?
Below is a short video from Doctor Malone that explains all of this:
Madison County voters have selected ten of the most substandard self-serving people we could have ever picked to run our schools and county government. None of these ten, five commissioners, and five school board members have the moral decency to do what is suitable for the people of this county.
Monday night was another defining moment at the Madison County Board of Education meeting. Karen Blevins chairwoman displayed her piousness, incompetence, and inability to hold a meeting reasonably and legally under NC open Meetings laws.
Below are Mrs. Blevins and four other board members along with Heil Hoffman:
The meeting started with a decree from the board to lower any speakers who wished to address the board, from three minutes to two.
The reason Tammy Cody and the BOE brought in three doctors from Mission Hospital was apparent it was to take up time so others could not speak.
These three doctors are from Mission Hospital, a big pharma conglomerate, and favor mask and vaccine mandates.
Mission hospital INC has profited from the implementation of Covid 19 and the fraudulent coding of deaths.
This hospital received taxpayer compensation for every death they coded as Covid 19 and is responsible for pushing the death tolls up for the state.
Mission hospital is bleeding out staff and physicians because of their “Progressive and Marxist Values.”
Karen Blevins piety did not stop here; she tried to force some parents and county residents into another room to protect herself and the other mask wearers from catching germs.
The parents stood their ground and remained in the Queen’s presence. I wonder does Queen Karen require her husband to go into another room for fumigation when he arrives home?
This soil and water employee, and don’t forget the tallest man in our county, thinks of himself as Madison’s Casanova.
If you were so frightened of being contaminated by the peasants of Madison, would you not think to clean your own home first, Queen Karen?
The Patriots spoke well regardless of Blevins and this board’s bullying. It is obvious they are arrogant and think they are untouchable.
But of course, everything can’t be perfect enter “Hemorrhoid from Hot springs” Hart Barnhill, who spoke; he has a right to opine, but this guy always seems to surface after others have laid the groundwork.
Barnhill tries to pin himself as an uniter and not a divider, but folks, he is anything but…
I don’t want to waste too much time on this clown, but to tell you, he is Lisa Gahagan’s cousin and married to Mark Snelson’s niece and a friend of corrupt Sheriff Buddy and demoted Coy Phillips.
Barnhill is also Pat Franklin’s ( head of the Marxist Lizards of Marshall) godson, which speaks volumes to his motives.
Remember, know your enemies; this guy is a con, plain and simple.
Tammy Cody, even with her shill doctors, didn’t score a point. She and Lizzie Gullum were outnumbered again and deemed irrelevant.
Cody’s physicians were humiliated and left early when an area nurse verified their testament of real Covid cases to be untrue.
Good job, patriots.
Now onto Jennifer Caldwell who is principal of the early college of the Madison County School System. Jennifer Caldwell is also best buddies with Health Director Tammy Cody.
Caldwell did not like CH’s story below from last week and attacked the custodians at the Early College Building as they were cleaning on Thursday, August 19th at approximately 8:00 PM.
When Jennifer Caldwell arrived at the school around 8:00 pm, she went into her office and then came out and said she wanted to talk with the custodians.
Caldwell started by attacking one of the custodian’s adult daughters.
Caldwell was furious that this custodian’s daughter had posted my story on Facebook.
Caldwell stated that it was disrespectful to her and the school. Caldwell even mentioned that “they were off the clock and “we could take this outside.”
What was she going to do to these women outside? Whoop them? I mean, seriously, folks, this is the Principal of the Early College. Why did she not allow Human Resources to handle this?
They said No, and the altercation continued inside the building with Caldwell relentlessly attacking this custodian’s daughter, saying that they should have defended her and the school again and again.
Caldwell was bullying and berating her about her daughter. The custodian’s daughter is an adult and does not live with her.
These women responded that they were employees and had nothing to do with it.
The custodian, who is the mother of the daughter, had enough and issued her two-week notice.
Caldwell asked the other woman if she wanted to quit; also, she replied no to her question.
If this weren’t enough, this unhinged and unstable Principal Jennifer Caldwell would not let the story go and responded to both of them just moments after they left with these texts below:
8:27 PM August 19, 2021
I want it noted I never asked anyone to quit. Just respect because what was written about our school (where you both worked at the time) and me (someone I thought you would defend or at least say don’t post that since it’s got Jennifer in it). It’s out of control and unnecessary drama to keep stirred and I just wanted you both to know how that feels after all I’ve done to be good to you guys. I guess you already knew it by the sounds of it and you have no issue with it. I’d appreciate this not getting spun into a web of lies. Not sure why Robbie quit but that’s her decision to make.
Again at 9:20 PM August 19, 2021:
You both can take the day off tomorrow with pay. Two weeks is not needed in this situation since you quit. Leave keys on my desk and I’ll get with HR tomorrow on paperwork. On Monday I’ll decide how I want to proceed with custodial staff at MECHS. I’m sorry it didn’t work out and that me trying to talk to you about how family slandering our school and your employer (me-someone who has went above and beyond to help you both) was inappropriate-you both defended it and was aware of it and saw no issue. I’m headed back to school to take care of a few things and would appreciate it if you’d be gone. I’ll make sure your time is in for tonight and tomorrow.
Honestly, is this what parents want in charge of their supposed
“Best of the Best” in Madison County?
Why didn’t Caldwell use her school email? Wasn’t she at work when the altercation happened?
Did she text to hide the communication from HR and public record disclosure?
These cleaning ladies are not Caldwell’s students; she acts as she owns them in these texts.
Folks look at these texts. Caldwell demands these lady’s respect on and off the job.
Caldwell even dares to say I have done so much for you. What have you done for them, Jennifer? Gave them a job cleaning up your dust and toilets?
Jennifer Caldwell reminds me of Hilley Holbrook, the character from the movie “The Help.”
Does this woman even understand what the term SLANDER means? Oh, that is right. Madison County School system is a Marxist School, so forget the constitution, not to mention Jennifer Caldwell’s pathetic inability to form a concise sentence above.
This bully designed this intimidation to shut these women up, period.
So now we know the Madison County school system has the right to bully and force termination of employees if any of their family members post anything on Social Media that they disagree with, especially if it comes from mean ole CH.
I would like to know if brownshirts Tammy Cody and Jennifer Caldwell troll the Internet and Facebook
to harass and quash Freedom of Speech with the school system employees.
No wonder these two heifers like Lizzie Gullum so well.
What will be next?
Will Cody and Caldwell implement
“Hilley Holbrook’s Toilet”
for those evil Unvaccinated that dare to enter the Madison County School Palace?
I think what these two women really need is some of Minny’s pie what say you folks?
From Madison County School Board Of Education systems website – Link under employment opportunities and personnel
Madison County Schools does not discriminate in its policies and programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, handicap, national origin, or ancestry.
So let me get this straight, the Madison County School system only discriminates against its employees for what their relatives may place on Social Media now that is simply Priceless….
I smell a substantial civil rights employment lawsuit coming for Jennifer Caldwell and the Madison County School System…
Since we are speaking about the smell, it should be mentioned that Chad Nesbitt promised Madison’s parents that he would attend this school board meeting but never showed.
I guess his best friend Eddie Harwood talked him into bailing on the parents of Madison County.
Eddie’s brother Buddy wants Chad to stay out of Madison, that is, unless it has something in it for him.
Like Buddy’s fake “Back the Blue rally” and fake “I am leaving Facebook temper tantrum”.
Speaking of having something in it for Humpty Harwood, his brother Eddie, Harwood, and illegitimate Roy Cooper could not wait to get their photo-ops off the back of the victims in the flooding tragedy over in Haywood County.
Harwood and his deputies ran down to the Family Dollar store in Marshall with 8000 dollars to buy supplies and then scurried over to Haywood county to get recognition.
If Buddy Harwood were truly concerned about these victims in Haywood County, he would have donated the money to Emergency Management or one of the churches in the community.
Still, no, he had to stomp in there like Junior Samples selling BR549 Family Dollar store Twinkies and Yoo Hoos.
It is embarrassing, and do you think the officials in Haywood County didn’t notice? They realize that we have a Junior Samples Dunce for Sheriff in Madison County.
Many folks have helped out the poor people in Haywood County without photo ops, recognition, or anyone even knowing their names.
I wonder will Harwood be there to work in a few weeks for these victims when they genuinely need it?
Not unless there is another photo op, and besides, where did he get $8000?
- In-pocket drug sales?
- Taxpayer money?
Buddy Harwood is an employee of Madison County taxpayers and needs to disclose where this money originated from and who gave it to him.
- If Harwood were an honest good sheriff, he would be more concerned with Madison County’s increasing drug overdoses and current drug houses operating right under his nose instead of trying to conceal the information from the public.
- If Health Director Tammy Cody were honest and more concerned with real health concerns like the sheriff’s department concealing drug overdoses instead of masking and vaccinating innocent children against their parent’s will.
- If Jennifer Caldwell were more honest and concerned with her own ineptness and dysfunction instead of bullying employees and stalking their relatives.
This county might have hope for a future for all its citizens. Until then, we all must expose these monsters in our midst and free Madison County of their corruption.
Below some great videos of what is happening in this world; please take the time to watch President Trump’s new ad at the end, and it hits “Resident Biden” right between the eyes; enjoy!- CH
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There is panic in DC, all assets deployed, the forensic audits are coming and the chaos is about to begin. President Trump knew what the [DeepState] was planning, he knew if he didn’t counter it millions of lives would have been lost, and in the process, he was setting up big pharma.
Scavino sent a couple of messages that a waterfall of information is coming, is [JoeBiden] about to be hit with the 25th amendment. The last message was a runner in the lead, and the losing runner was catching up to the leader but was not going to win until the lead runner tripped.
It is one gigantic trap.