Remember folks, Dr. Robinson (deceased principal of Madison High school) spoke out and warned about the CRT being injected into the curriculum of Madison County Schools.
The two other teachers are Dusty Jozefiak English teacher formerly of Mcdowell County schools and Michigan, and Doug Cutshall math teacher, who has worn a dress to school and promoted rainbow flags in his classroom. Cutshall appears in the picture above along with Casey- reporter of the failing News-Record.
Below Dusty, Jozefiak appears with one of the students at this abortion fiasco…
So that you know, Johnny Bernard Casey IV is the new Marxist propagandist for the Asheville Citizen-Times, and his statements above fully reflect this.
Notice it is the same Progressive Communists who attacked Principal Robinson because he was Christian two years ago.
These Fascists above wanted Dr. Robinson fired for being Christian; now you know why these spineless hypocrites have to infiltrate your schools with their evil hate. This group wanted Nick Honeycutt placed in this position of principal. Are you catching on?
These groups are funded by George Soros.
They are R.O.A.R, Down-Home Madison, and Sustainable Madison and have only one agenda: to reeducate your kids with their ungodly filth.
This is the same Elizabeth Gullum, who protects and promotes Buddy Harwood. The same Lizzie Gullum who has been Buddy’s best friend ever since her new house burnt down.
Doesn’t this so-called impromptu “Social Movement” look coordinated?
The Left have no problem using children to advance their evil causes!
I want to know why these kids were protesting the killing of children on County Property?
The county stopped allowing the taxpayers to have flea markets or yard sales on this property, but it is quite alright if you want a Pro-Abortion movement.
The county claimed it was because of Insurance reasons. These children of the corn don’t even pay taxes in this county.
What would have happened if these hate-filled emotionally charged children had been hit by a car on 25-70 while on County Property?
Why did the commissioners allow this to happen? What about a Pro-Life demonstration? Is Norris Gentry going to let this happen, or would this upset his democrat Marxist voters in Marshall?
Notice the use of the “Don’t tread on Me” Gadsden flag in the shape of a vagina used by these apparent “Best of the Best” youth of Madison County’s early college.
Where did they learn such disrespect and hate?
Best of Best is certainly not on exhibit here…
Don’t tread on me began on what’s known as the Gadsden flag, which features a rattlesnake coiled above the expression on a yellow background. The flag was first flown on a warship in 1775 as a battle cry for American independence from British rule, credited to Christopher Gadsden, a soldier and politician from South Carolina.
Do you flawed children of the corn understand that real Patriots used this emblem in battle to give you the rights and freedoms you have today?
Of course, you pathetic children do not know that because you are not taught History in school. You are neglected children, gullible and lazy easy pickings to Marxism and Communism by morons who claim they are your educators.
Do these educators ever speak of God in school? Oh no, we are not to speak of Jesus or God’s word in our schools, yet we can talk about the murdering of innocent life, which Satan wants to be taught in school.
Abortion is a satanic ritual to Baal.
This country has lived under the disgrace of Constitutionally mandated abortion for fifty years. Roe v. Wade is without a doubt the evilest decision ever issued by the Supreme Court. Worse than Dred Scott, worse than Obergefell.
Thanks to Roe v. Wade, more than fifty million unborn children were legally massacred in this country over the past half-century. For fifty years, conservatives fought to overturn that, but politicians and leaders betrayed us repeatedly.
What kind of people who call themselves teachers pimp children into the streets to satisfy the hunger of Baal?
To you kids who protested this week…
Have your educators at Madison County Early College ever talked to you about what truly happens in abortion? If you have any existing courage, please watch this video below as this former abortion doctor gives you a short explanation.
If you don’t weep after watching this, you are not human
As far as Mr. Thurston Howell Casey, the fourth in speaking of Rob Amberg and his social movement and 50 years, I think you leftists better do a better job hiding what indeed occurred here.
Jennifer Caldwell, principal of Madison County Early College, was active in this demonstration; below is a picture of flyers taped to the doors of the bathroom at MADISON COUNTY EARLY COLLEGE on the day of this so-called movement. Caldwell cannot say she was not aware.
You kids are not women you are children and the way you act speaks volumes to who has raised you.
How fast would the heads explode of administrators of Madison County Schools, if Christian children posted pro-life prayer meeting flyers?
Look, folks, this is not the first time Jennifer Caldwell used and pimped students for her gain.
Caldwell used students to campaign for her school board chair pick years ago. Caldwell ordered lunch for these students and persuaded them to leave school when required to be in school and campaign for Teresa Banks. The same Teresa Banks who contributed money to Buddy Harwood’s campaign and former wife of the illustrious Larry Leake.
Caldwell didn’t want Karen Blevins elected as chair of the school board. Why? Blevins is a Democrat like Caldwell.
Below look at the teachers who protested and participated in this social movement to kill children.Dusty Jozefika and Doug Cutshall led and encouraged this evil.
Cutshall likes to wear dresses and rainbow flags, and Dusty promotes Witches, alcohol use, and Black Lives Matter.
Jozefika attacks two Supreme Court justices on her Instagram- Amy Coney Barrett and Judge Kavanaugh. These two Supreme Court Judges are pro-life and are currently being targeted by crazy Woke Nut cases at their homes in DC.
I guess Dusty thinks that is ok but what do you expect out of
Communist BLM supporters.
You can’t make this up; look below at her Instagram; she is not too bright.
Folks, this is who is teaching your children and encouraging their behavior at Madison County Early college.
Looks like the schools and Dusty are getting nervous she is blocking her Instagram but I have copies for your review as follows:
Dusty Jozefika and Doug Cutshall both teachers at Madison County Early college, were actively protesting and encouraging this behavior when a lone woman started protesting down from them with her own sign.
She saw what these kids were doing and went home and got a sign to promote life.
She held her sign up several yards down from this mob. This took bravery.
The sign read “Jesus Loves Babies.”
The Madison County Early college “Best of the Best” students started toward her like Antifa cussing and flipping her off, harassing her.
She remained steadfast and kept holding her sign proudly. Good for her. But where were the adults who were prodding the students?
What triggered this arrogant laden hate out of this student mob?
Were these adults and Madison County early college teachers encouraging this also?
I am not done there is more…
Did you know the Madison County schools and Will Hoffman superintendent have implemented a diversity committee under this board?
The Board members
Honestly, are these school Board members trying to create children who are abnormal and submissive?
Are teachers of Madison Schools supposed to be engaging in this activity?
I reached out to Vickie Hollifield, school board candidate running for district one because Casey of the News-Record had a picture of her signs in his story.I don’t believe in coincidences… Her statements below:
As a Christian and a resident of Madison County, I am disturbed by this protest. I believe life begins at conception and to insinuate otherwise is appalling. I am firmly and unapologetically pro-life. A child is a precious gift from God, and he does not make mistakes. Jeremiah 1:5 says, ” Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Every child is created for a purpose. This moral issue has become political over the years, but it does not change our moral responsibility to stand up.
The fact that staff members organized this event in our school is another example of why I decided to run for office. This shows it’s not about educating but it’s about manipulating the children. The Madison County Board of Education Policy Number 7720 states, “These political activities must not: (1) take place during work hours; (2) involve school system funds or materials; or (3) make use of an official school position to encourage or to coerce students, employees, or others to support or oppose a political party, candidate, or issue.” The only way to put a stop to this is to hold people accountable and make it clear this is not what Madison County stands for.
This blatant act against School policy rules is why we need to replace this school board and fire all three of these teachers- Dusty JozeFika, Doug Cutshall, and Jennifer Caldwell.
By the way, why did Jozefika leave McDowell county and Cutshall leave Buncombe County? Why did they come to Madison county?
It is time to defund this embarrassment called Early College. Our tax dollars should not go to pay for teachers like this and to teachers who cheat on testing.
Madison County schools and Will Hoffman should be investigating these teachers and the children.
Because of this planned demonstration, these two teachers and Jennifer Cardwell need to have state complaints filed against them.
Let’s take Elizabeth Gullum’s own words from above, remember folks she calls your children her kids she calls Madison County “Her County” and Gullum claims to run Madison County.
I would encourage All of us to print this screenshot and attach it to an angry letter to the board of education. It’s the only way change will happen. If you care about our kids, we owe it to them to try to nullify this horrible way of thinking.
Elizabeth Gullum
Let’s take Lizzie’s advice but let’s go farther to the state and federal levels. Let’s vote these three incumbent school board members out of office. Let us send Lizzie and her band of Marxist fascists back to their snake holes. It is time to stand for your children and your county against this evil.
Below from Lt. Governor Mark Robinson’s office – Let the Lt Governor know what is happening in Madison County Schools
F.A.C.T.S Task Force: Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students
Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is seeking to provide support for parents, teachers, and most importantly, students who are willing to stand up for North Carolina’s future by exposing indoctrination in the classroom and ensuring that our students are taught how to think – not what to think. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor is establishing a Task Force (FACTS) to monitor the state of affairs within North Carolina classrooms. The primary goal of this task force is to allow the voices of concerned citizens to be heard regarding public K-12 education in North Carolina.
The FACTS Task Force advisory board is composed of education professionals representing all levels of K-12 including teachers, administrators, and university professors.
Purpose of the Task Force.
- To assist in holding local and county-level education officials accountable for what occurs in their schools;
- To provide a safe and secure setting where education professionals can transmit concerns regarding their school without fear of retaliation;
- To provide a central state-wide mechanism for gathering and sharing data related to parent concerns regarding public education, and to provide a mechanism for elevating awareness of concerns so that they can be addressed;
- To provide underrepresented parents and students a voice and an open line of communication with professional educator advocates for student experiences and outcomes;
- To assist concerned parents in navigating the bureaucracy within our public school system.
The FACTS Task Force is requesting that parents and teachers in North Carolina help us hold the system accountable. The Lieutenant Governor’s Office is asking that you submit anything that meets the criteria listed below:
What to submit:
- Examples of discrimination or harassment related to a student’s faith, ethnicity, worldview, or political beliefs;
- Examples of unequal, inconsistent, or disparate treatment of students in the enforcement of school rules and/or in disciplinary matters;
- Examples of students being subjected to indoctrination according to a political agenda or ideology, whether through assigned work, teacher comments, or a hostile classroom environment;
- Examples of students being required to disclose details regarding their individual race/ethnicity, sexual preference, religious ideology, or economic status
- Examples of students being exposed to inappropriate content or subject matter in the classroom, including matters relating to substance abuse, profanity, or of a sexual nature.
Folks why would you want your children around these kids and these teachers?
We have good school board members running for office who care deeply for Madison County. These candidates don’t want critical race theory taught on any level in the classroom. The people who are taking over your schools and your county want Jesus never mentioned and their Babylon filth on the tongues of every child and resident, as was demonstrated this week in Marshall.
Know your enemies…
I have been asked for my picks on the ballot for Tuesday.
I fully endorse Vickie Hollifield for the school board. She has shown tremendous talent, diligence, and hard work in her run for District one. Her statements above show me as a Christian that she will not waver any more than the lady who stood alone and heroically while being attacked by these reprobate children on Wednesday.
I am also endorsing Tony Ponder for chair of the school board.
Tony is the adult in the room and will support the change needed to fix the schools.
For commissioner Jeremy Hensley and David Peeler, I will not support Alan Wyatt; he is a Buddy Harwood plant. Yes, folks, we have RINOS dirty enough to help Buddy Harwood. Wyatt does not deserve our support after what he did as a planning board member by approving SOWE and the NY Carpet Bagger.
If you have to vote for a third candidate, then vote for Clarence he is better than Wyatt.
On the Republican ticket for Sheriff Robin Lyles and the Democrat Jim Cruzan, anyone but Buddy.
I support for NC senate, Ralph Hise. Deanna Ballard is endorsed and worked for Franklin Graham at Samaritan Purse. Franklin Graham pushed the vaccines on his followers, even making the statement Jesus would take them. Graham has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries from his so-called non-profit corporations.
So no to Deanna Ballard.
A big No to Madison Cawthorn – I told all of you about him a year ago; he is a pathetic mess. This last video where he is naked with a man in bed, which he has stated happened, is just horrible.
Ask yourself how many men you know who are straight get into bed with another naked man and do a video?
I don’t care if President Trump sends me 1000 robocalls asking me to vote for Cawthorn – I will not.
My picks for US Congress are two Bruce O’Connell and Rod Honeycutt. Bruce has taken the time to show up to the last school board meeting, which says a lot, and Rod has been steady in his commitment. Both of these men would be responsible and would not embarrass us.
Speaking of embarrassment, I will never vote for Vagina Warrior, Michelle Woodhouse, or Chuck Edwards. These two are both opportunistic RINOs.
The rest including judges:
US Supreme Court- April C Wood
NC Court of appeals judge – Donna Stroud
NC District Court Judge- Matt Rupp
In closing…
If you have not seen 2000 Mules there is a free link below to see it. If you care about your vote watch it also included a very funny Dan Bongino clip.
Have a great weekend don’t forget to vote Tuesday. Good luck to all the Patriots running for office we are just begining …
Live your life so that every morning when you plant your feet on the floor beside your bed, the devil gets a cold chill and says
“Oh Crap She Is awake” –CH
The diamonds will be returned…–2000-mules-special-cut-just-the-facts-this-is-not-the-end-ripcord.html