There was a breaking story on Saturday but most of you didn’t see it.
It dealt with Anthony Sorangelo, who Sheriff Buddy hired after Sorengelo was fired from the Asheville Police department.
Below is a picture of these two when they appeared on the community radio station- which is not a community radio station called WART.
Elizabeth Gullum- (who attacked Dr. Robertson former principal of Madison High School- now deceased- because he dared to be Christian and tried to get him fired) did the interview. Remember Gullum and her pal Pat Franklin – (Conscious Homesteader founder of woke leftist hate) are Buddy Harwood gals and will do anything to help Harwood stay in the Sheriff’s office including defending obvious police brutality.
Do you ladies also defend juvenile rape, beatings and cover-ups?

Sorangelo was the Asheville City Police officer who punched a handcuffed guy in a squad car in September 2020. Sorangelo hit the guy so hard that he was rendered unconscious.
Boom, right after this, Sheriff Buddy hires this clown and holds a “Back the Blue” rally to show solidarity with the other crud he has working for him.
He even raffles off a gun to draw in the good ole toothless public. Incidentally, so that you know, the guy that won the raffled gun just received this gun last month. He won this in 2020 why de he have o wait until 2022?
The story below from Asheville Citizen-Times was posted last Saturday on a holiday weekend and Spring Break for the County.
How convenient for Harwood in posting this story on a holiday weekend and the County schools’ spring break.
This guy at this paper has been carrying Buddy’s dirty water for months.
Fired Asheville officer leaves Madison sheriff’s office, was not certified
By Johnny Casey, Asheville Citizen-Times
MARSHALL – Anthony Sorangelo, a former Asheville Police officer fired for punching a handcuffed man in the face who was later hired by the Madison County Sheriff’s Office before stepping down earlier this year, was not certified to work in North Carolina following his termination from APD in September 2020, according to the state Department of Justice.
According to NCDOJ’s Nazneen Ahmed, Sorangelo’s North Carolina certification lapsed in September 2020 following his termination from APD.
“Mr. Sorangelo was certified with the Asheville PD from Jan. 14, 2016, to Sept. 25, 2020,” Ahmed said via email. “He is no longer certified with the Criminal Justice Standards Commission, but he was sworn with the Madison County Sheriff’s Office as a deputy sheriff on 12/15/2020. His certification with the Sheriff’s Commission is pending.”
The Criminal Justice Standards Commission issues certification to every law enforcement officer employed by any agency in North Carolina.
According to Ahmed, Sorangelo’s certification lapsed as a result of his termination from APD. “To be certified, you must be employed with a law enforcement agency – so no longer being employed at the Asheville PD would lead to no longer being certified,” she said.
Sheriff Buddy Harwood’s side
Madison County Sheriff Buddy Harwood said he was unaware of Sorangelo’s lapse in certification.
“When I hire you and send a packet in, then during the process, Training Standards sends me information as they update your training packets,” Harwood said. “At no time did I ever receive any information to cease and desist on Sorangelo’s packet. Absolutely not. They would’ve sent something by mail, and sent it to him, too.”
Harwood hired Sorangelo Dec. 15, 2020, less than two months after his termination from APD, according to a public records request of the sheriff’s office.
Sorangelo was working as a detective, earning $44,816 annually, according to the record supplied last April.
According to Harwood, Sorangelo is seeking employment with the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office in South Carolina.
Lt. Ryan Flood, a public information officer with Greenville County Sheriff’s Office in South Carolina, said Sorangelo has not yet been sworn in as a deputy with GCSO, but that he is in the current hiring process for a deputy sheriff position with the agency.
The South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy oversees law enforcement certification in the state.
According to the sheriff, Sorangelo informed him he made the decision to leave because did not want to be “a distraction” ahead of the May 17 primary election.
“He came to me early on and said he did not want to bring any distraction to him (or) to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office during election time, and he tendered his two weeks notice,” Harwood said. “He didn’t want to do anything to discredit this agency or draw attention to him. That’s why he left. That’s type of fella Sorangelo is. If I thought for a second that Sorangelo was guilty of assaulting that individual out of malice and hatred, I wouldn’t have hired him.”
I have some fundamental questions about the above story by Casey.
First, why didn’t you award-winning journalists at the Citizen-Times take the time to look up this cops certification at the getgo?
You raised hell about Harwood hiring this guy, so why did you drop the ball on investigating the hire?
If a municipal (city) police officer leaves and goes to work for an NC sheriff, a sheriff can legally hire and swear them in and give him a year to recertify.
Here is the kicker you can only do this if the law enforcement officer was NOT criminally charged or under suspicion. We know this was not true because Asheville PD criminally charged Sorengelo. Once Sorengelo was charged, certification was suspended.
Training and Standards conduct their own investigation.
So Harwood’s statements below can only be conceived as another fabricated lie. A lie immortalized by the Asheville Citizen-Times.
“When I hire you and send a packet in, then during the process, Training Standards sends me information as they update your training packets,” Harwood said. “At no time did I ever receive any information to cease and desist on Sorangelo’s packet. Absolutely not. They would’ve sent something by mail, and sent it to him, too.”
Sheriff Buddy Harwood
The Buck stops with Buddy Harwood, not Training and Standards.
Man up Buddy take responsibility and quit blaming others for your ineptitude.
So, in essence, folks Buddy Harwood our illustrious corrupt sheriff, allowed a suspended uncertified cop to investigate, make arrests and submit these arrests before Madison County Courts for prosecution.
Below the unlawful investigations and arrests by Sorengelo.
There are people in prison because of Harwood’s incompetence and Sorengelo’s unlawful arrests. Will the courts reexamine these convictions above?
These convictions can end up in federal court as lawsuits against Madison County Sheriff’s department and Buddy Harwood.
Think about what Buddy Harwood has done to our county.
Remember, Casey is always making comments about Cruzan in that Harwood fired him in his paper.
Harwood pathetically has been seen going around the county showing the courthouse tape to potential voters off his cell phone.
Maybe I should show my Buddy and John tapes
Did Casey look up the complaint? Of course not, that would require work and would not fit his narrative to get Buddy elected.
Below is the complaint it is anonymous: since when do you fire anyone or investigate for an anonymous complaint?

Harwood and his dope-dealing Deer Killing-crime-riddled lieutenant Coy Phillips went out of their way in scheming to frame Jim Cruzan and prevent him from ever serving in law enforcement again.
You know how they maneuvered this?
By keeping an ongoing investigation in place, that is how.
Coy and Buddy know how this con works. Don’t let them lie about Sorengelo they were aware the whole time because they used the same maneuver on Jim Cruzan.
Boo Hoo Buddy just got boomeranged.
Coy Phillips even tried to get the assistant DA to bring charges against Cruzan over the above-unsigned complaint.
Phillips threatened Cruzan’s wife and gave her an option to quit or “we will fire you.”
The DA rejected Phillip’s and Harwood’s requests.
These two inept cops targeted Jim Cruzan to damage him from running for sheriff, a Navy veteran, a retired State police officer a former Sheriff.
Do these two ingrates from the Madison County sheriff’s department come close to having Cruzan’s credentials?
Now, wait Super Buddy Harwood joined the Navy but didn’t get out of boot camp.
The Navy sent him home for sleep-walking. You can’t make this stuff up, folks; this embarrassment is what we have as Sheriff.
A Sleep Walking Bafoon!

Buddy Harwood and Coy Phillips are out of the same salmonella bacteria-laden yolk. These two aren’t even qualified to clean Cruzan’s boots or anyone else’s in Madison County.
So don’t cry me a river Buddy and claim you knew nothing about Sorengelo because you were involved once again in yet another Cover-Up.
The Harwood statements below, speak volumes and are nothing but fabricated lies. Harwood has gotten away with it for so long that he simply thinks you will just bow your head into submission and believe it!
“He came to me early on and said he did not want to bring any distraction to him (or) to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office during election time, and he tendered his two weeks notice,” Harwood said. “He didn’t want to do anything to discredit this agency or draw attention to him. That’s why he left. That’s type of fella Sorangelo is. If I thought for a second that Sorangelo was guilty of assaulting that individual out of malice and hatred, I wouldn’t have hired him.”
Sheriff Buddy Harwood
But yet Harwood keeps corrupt criminals like Coy Phillips and others on our payroll. It sounds to me like Anthony Sorengelo fits right in with Buddy’s bandits.
But folks, Boo Hoo Buddy is not just lying about this incident. He claims he needs an additional 125,000 dollars from Madison County taxpayers in this year’s budget.
His Five-commissioners, all bought and paid for, are poised to hand it over to him.
Harwood claims he needs this for additional jail employees. Harwood says Covid-19 prevented court cases from going forward, and he has more expenditures because of it.
This reasoning is a lie. Harwood was understaffed before Covid because no one with any form of ethics would work for him.
In the recent findings by the Administrative Office of Courts, the Courts find Madison County does not have a backlog of court cases.
But what do you expect out of these commissioners? The Madison County schools are the same liars, all of them looking to steal from the taxpayers of this County.
They need massive amounts of money this year for their selfish endeavors. But yet, the rest of the County has failing infrastructure and other neglected needs.
Do you realize that Hot Springs Elementary has a mowing contract with Mark Snelson and Lisa Gahagan’s son? Was this contract bid out per NC Bidding law? How many of your kids would like a cushy summer job like this?
Did you know Mark Snelson does all the mowing and gets paid to do it while hiding it under his son’s name?
Snelson will be voting as a commissioner on the money going to the schools. Lisa Gahagan will be profiting from his vote at the schools.
Do you know what Municipal Graft and scandal are?

You all know the connection between Harwood – Snelson- and Lisa Gahagan.
These three are walking, talking cartoons, and they are bleeding the taxpayers of this County for their profit through lies.
Remember what Snelson did to Madison Ambulance services and the ambulance employees. Everyone quit they would rather work for Ingles than a corrupt Snelson.
Same for Harwood no one wants to work for him either.
These are not decent ethical people in any sense of the word. Folks, you can’t put lipstick on a pig; it is still a pig!

Speaking of pigs…The Boo- Hoo segment below
Boo Hoo Madison!
Cawthorn is now threatening to sue a former campaign employee because she spoke the truth about him.
This guy is a trainwreck, a spoiled brat in a failing campaign. Why do losers in campaigns always want to blame someone else when the truth comes out about them?
Political speech is the most protected speech, dummy!
If you can’t handle the heat then don’t run!
Baseless lawsuits claiming defamation can boomerang back against you!
Boo Hoo Shirley!
This case came out of US Western District in Asheville.
Shirley Teter Sued Project Veritas, Lost and is Ordered to Pay Veritas’ Expenses
Project Veritas
• Shirley Teter, who sued Project Veritas for defamation stemming from a 2016 investigation into a political organization, Democracy Partners, has been ordered by a federal judge to pay for the non-profit journalist organization’s legal expenses.
• Teter, who was represented by a cadre of experienced lawyers from around the country, claimed that she was “indigent” and therefore should not have to cover Project Veritas’ legal expenses.
• But last week, U.S. District Judge Martin Reidinger ordered Teter pay for Project Veritas’ expenses calling her claim “so weak that it did not survive a motion to dismiss.”
• Judge Reidinger also noted that Teter “was represented by six attorneys in this matter, all of whom were from outside of this district, and one of whom was from out of state.” That was inconsistent with the claim that Teter was “indigent and therefore cannot pay the costs of litigation herself.”
[ASHVILLE, NC – Apr. 5, 2022] Shirley Teter, a woman who sued Project Veritas for defamation because of a bombshell investigation into the political action group, Democracy Partners, has been ordered by a federal judge to pay Project Veritas’ legal expenses.
The order is a reversal of a previous decision by a court clerk who accepted Teter’s claim that she was “indigent” and therefore incapable of covering the legal costs Project Veritas incurred for defending itself against her defamation suit.
Project Veritas
Democracy Partners was exposed by Project Veritas Action Fund for promoting violence at Trump rallies in 2016 and has been seeking revenge through litigation ever since.
U.S. District Judge, Martin Reidinger, overruled that decision saying Teter’s claim was “so weak that it did not survive a motion to dismiss.” Judge Reidinger also noted that Teter “was represented by six attorneys in this matter, all of whom were from outside of this district, and one of whom was from out of state.” That was inconsistent with the claim that Teter was “indigent and therefore cannot pay the costs of litigation herself.”
The Judge also expressed bewilderment over why a baseless lawsuit was brought by several “pro bono” attorneys from around the country, one of whom was quick to protest, without being asked, “we’re not paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign or by the Democratic party or anything like that.”
“Mr. Sasser only raised more questions by his unsolicited statement specifically disclaiming that the lawsuit was being funded by the Clinton campaign or the Democratic Party,” said Judge Reidinger.
“Mr. Sasser’s rush to assure the Court that certain political organizations are not involved begs the question of whether some other organization was involved,” he added.
Teter will have to pay just under sixteen thousand dollars.
Some women should never go to the door in hair rollers…
Look, folks, you have to be very cautious about doing business with
Pro Bono attorneys.
This old woman above learned the hard way.
When you sue you better make sure you are going to win because every
lie will be revealed…
As James Okeefe says in the video above
“Sue us for the wrong reasons and you will pay”- Dittos!
Ask yourself a question why would an attorney do Pro Bono work?
Many accomplished attorneys do Pro-Bono work, but they usually do this through registered, respected Non Profits like Pisgah Legal Services, not a Hillary Clinton PAC.
Look what recently happened below in Asheville. An attorney, a notary, and a real estate investor scammed several innocent landowners and heirs in estate fraud.
You have to be careful of these wolves in sheep’s clothing as they target
low-income and rural areas. They think you are stupid.

Just because someone has a law degree doesn’t qualify them for estate planning or real estate closings.
It takes years to develop this expertise. The best attorneys work for qualified respectable firms when they get out of law school, not their basements.
Reputable firms have compliance departments that oversee work products coming from an attorney to make sure the lawyer and the firm follow the strictest rules on behalf of their clients. You have security with a reputable firm.
Ask yourself why would an attorney not try to work for a reputable firm after getting out of college or work under a seasoned attorney for a few years?
Could it be because they are not good enough to work for a real law firm? Folks, watch your back because these shysters are in our area, ready to pounce.
If someone wants to give you something free, there may be a catch. You get what you pay for, hire a real experienced attorney if you want it done right.
Don’t get conned by Pro- Bono…
Nothing worth having is easy or free.
Take the time to ask some simple questions.
- Why are you offering free service?
- Who are you?
- What is your experience to offer this service?
- Look into their background to see if they have criminal records etc.
- Look up to see if they are activists or associated with activists.
- See if they have ever been associated with BLM or Antifa.
All of these things should matter, right?
These same things should matter when electing people into office.
They certainly should matter with regard to our sheriff, commissioners, and school board.
If you are considering early voting remember, the voting machines in Madison County have not changed; the BOE is still using the same ES&S devices-(Dominion).
If you want your vote to count, wait till election day. Do not participate in Early Voting unless you don’t care about your vote.
Speaking of not caring…
The Republican Party of Madison is hell-bent on shooting themselves in the foot in any way they can.
As I said before, the Republican chair of Madison County, Patrick Ward, has brought in the Bats of Buncombe county to run the Madison County Republican Party.
These women are planning a powwow on the steps of the Madison County Courthouse on the Saturday before the primary.
They are planning a prayer vigil to unhex the witches of Marshall.
I swear folks, I am not making this up.
This foolish act reminds me of when Betty Wilde and Ann Ryder gave out condoms on the courthouse steps. Their reasoning was because the Democrat Party was going to screw you, so you need protecting.
Why pick a fight in Marshall?
We all know what lives and breathes in Marshall and at the minimum, it certainly is not Godly.
This Saturday before the Primary religious ceremony reminds me of Pee-Wee Nesbitt when he announced he was taking on Antifa LIVE in Asheville. He went down to their snake pit and got knocked in the head.
What was accomplished?
This is not bravery it is stupidity and for what? Attention?
Are you Buncombe Bats planning this because you want your picture in the Weekly Wiper?
Why no one reads it?
Do we want Buncombe County here in Madison?Don’t we have enough problems?
Folks, please don’t forget we are winning the left is dying see below
Good News -Keep the Faith- God has already won-CH
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen — not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” -C.S. Lewis
- CNN+ Is Shutting Down One Month After Launch (EXCLUSIVE)
- CNN Streaming services terminated
- Florida lawmakers vote to end Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing status
- Netflix stock crashes over 30% at open. Yesterday, Elon Musk tweeted “woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable.”
- Elon Musk has secured a $46.5 billion financing commitment to acquire Twitter Inc and is considering starting a tender offer for its outstanding shares, a filing with U.S. regulators showed.