How Democrats and Republicans make Independents…
I don’t even have to get into the complete disaster of the Democratic convention. It started with the coup d’état of the sitting corpse of its president and went from there to the coronation of a cackling hyena who never received one delegate vote when she ran for the presidency the first time.
This woman is an abomination of incompetence and belongs nowhere near the White House…
Harris who is a chronic alcoholic like Nancy Pelosi chose a guy from Minnesota for a running mate who has lied about his military service and dances around like Tinker Bell.
Not to mention he likes to drink Horse Semen on occasion.

The writing was on the wall when the convention started with Democrat attendees finding maggots in their breakfast food and Nancy Pelosi walking onto the convention floor with toilet paper dropping out of her pants.
Indeed, the DNC bordered on the creepy as speaker after speaker sold the idea that, if voters could just swallow the Harris candidacy, they would immediately experience joy like some political prozac commercial.
Jonathan Turley
Kennedy did not become a Republican but joined roughly half of Americans now identifying as independents. While this country is solidly under the hold of a duopoly of power in the two main parties, only 25% of the country identifies as Democrats and 25% as Republicans.
Not just the Democrats but also the Republicans. I was a Republican for over 40 years and have observed over these years how hypocritical the Republican party is and how in line they are with the Democrats.
This unity by Trump and RFK should give you hope when there seems to be none. If you do anything today, listen to the speeches below.
The only troubling problem is that the Republican and Democrat Parties are in lockstep with the Zionist regime of Israel.
Israel wants America to fight their war, why do Trump and RFK continue to support Israel when they are both antiwar?
This allegiance to Israel is problematic because these two men are our only choice. And those of you who call yourselves Christians and lovers of God yet support Israel, are siding with evil genocide.
The Christian churches of today are cowardly and have betrayed Christ as they bow down to the government and push vaccines and murder in Gaza. They have poisoned their congregations. They allow Zionist preachers in their doors to preach this evil just like they allowed the COVID shot in their doors to be administered. This malarky they preach is the word of Satan, not our Holy Fathers…
Israel’s claim that this land inhabited by Palestinians is actually their homeland is predicated on a lie.
Somewhere around 5000 years ago. God promised this Middle East disputed land to the descendants of Abraham. Muslims are genuinely descended from Abraham and have lived there peacefully until 1948, when Israel stole the Palestinian’s land.
Followers of Abraham today are notably the Palestinian people, while notably all the Jews living in Israel are imposters, especially Netanayu, who is from Europe; he is a fake Jew.
Remember that Judaism only teaches the first five books of the Old Testament. Jewish people hate Christ and his followers; Christ taught love and peace and taught that all humanity is his people. Judaism teaches our way or the highway; they teach death.
Any Christian pastor preaching this is against the teachings of Christ.
The Republican Party followers are all on board with this radical fascist propaganda.
Observe below how these ignorant Republicans immediately spew evil Zionist talking points. They say we are not American if we don’t kiss the Zionist ring.
How dare you challenge our constitutional rights to question.
Truth is not a crime and Freedom of Speech is the first amendment for a reason…
The people of America have gotten lockstep in unison with the evil of Bibi Netanyahu and his sanctimonious government.
Now we know the truth, and guess what?
There were no barbequed babies, and Israel killed its own under the “Hanibal Docturne.” Leaked information below…
Yet Fox News- Sean Hannity -Glenn Bleck and Mike Johnson Speaker and mainstream media pushed the narrative. Why? Because they are paid well and are influencers for the Zionist regime. You folks that rely on these mainstream media organizations for the truth are a problem in our country.
Why be lazy and allow these outlets to think for you?
The Republican Party should have known this was all BS when no pictures were presented of these so-called infants ever existing.
Yet validated pictures are abundant online of Palestinian children who Israel has murdered.
Which governments in this world are the biggest terrorists?
Why good ole America and its sidekick Israel.
It is America that has been involved in election interference throughout the world, not Russia, as the FBI and DOJ are proclaiming and shutting down freedom of speech outlets recently, claiming yet again Russia is interfering in our election.
Why is the government afraid of the truth? Why is the government afraid you will find out everything you have ever been taught in government-controlled schools is a lie?
I’m not surprised that Jews are losing their minds over Tucker Carlson’s – Darryl Cooper WW2 episode because people are starting to challenge decades-old lies, myths & exaggerations.
People are beginning to see that Churchill wasn’t a good guy.
The observant people are learning about the power & influence behind Churchill – an admitted Zionist & the U.K. People are starting to realize that 1930s German memes weren’t so off the mark. And that’s what’s causing Jews to lose their minds over Tucker’s WW2 episode.
But folks don’t think Tucker is a hero because he is very weak; watch below an actual assessment of Tucker Carlson.
If you want the truth watch …
You see, the Jews need the World War II narrative to validate their existence. If the Jews stop being the chief victims of World War II, then Israel is in big trouble…- Stew Peters
In the 1930s, the Germans removed Jews from positions of power & influence in their universities. You think evil of them for doing so.
Yet, you have no problem in the present day with Jews getting non-Jews removed from academia to look after Jewish interests. This is who both of these parties are; The Republican Party is being run by crazy women who remind me of the movie “The Help.” Hilley Holbrook’s Junior Women League club of fake Christians who wouldn’t know God if he showed up on their doorsteps. The moral equivalent of Jezebel of the Old Testament controls the Democrat Party.
Both parties are despicably intertwined for their own benefit and are an affront to what our founding fathers fought against in our nation’s birth.

Kennedy said that the Democratic Party has virtually shoved him and other voters into the arms of Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
Kennedy observed, “I began this journey as a Democrat, the party of my father, my uncle, the party to which I pledged my own allegiance long before I was old enough to vote.”
He said that his party was the one that championed free speech and government transparency and opposed unjust wars. “True to its name, it was the party of democracy.” He said that the party has turned its back on all of the values that once defined it.
For former Democrats like Kennedy, running on “joy” is no substitute for these profound changes in the party…
Below is a summary parody of what is coming for the Democrats. They can’t win unless they cheat, and they are going to do so because it is all they have left.
We have many problems in our country and our communities. You better wake up; it is closer than you think. Douglas McGregor nails it below.
Madison is having a Great Grant Extravaganza tonight- see agenda- I will post the video tomorrow.
Exposing Kathy Proffitt, who ran off the former Transportation director – Daniel Metcaff
Michael Garrison’s moral fortitude exposed, and what he and Buddy Harwood did to Chief Boone
Matt Wechtel – SGT Shultz, why this branding of him is true
2024 Revaluation a complete sham anyone that appeals is given an automatic 25% reduction. Did the commissioners tell you that?
NC supremes take RFK off the ballot.
NC Senate bill to force NC sheriffs to abide by the law and turn illegals into ICE
Kathy WEST Proffitt, the Madison County INTERIM Transportation & operations director.
That is a very big name designation for a woman not qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less be the director of this boondoggle transportation department.
Who voted for this incompetent, toxic, troublemaker woman to be Interim?
She used her Freedom Christian Baptist church to push Buddy Harwood for sheriff.
This same church pushed the COVID-19 vaccines on all its members, shunning those who chose not to take the jab.
These Church Sheep lined them up like lab rats. Buddy Harwood likes to attend this church to bellow his ghastly singing qualities, and Kathy West Proffitt uses county time and money to push his agenda.
She was active while on the clock, promoting Buddy Harwood for the county sheriff to her Madison County Transportation service riders. It’s nice to know we, taxpayers, paid Proffitt to do this.
Kathy Proffit is Buddy Harwoods, Fish Wife…

See below the “Fish Wife.”
Proffitt has no experience except her skill set in making funeral arrangements, which I have been told is not exceptional.
She is a whiny freeloader who got a job at transportation because her flower shop was failing. She cried and begged the commissioners at the time to give her a position. She then turned around and backstabbed every one of them. She is a poster child for Christian hypocrisy and nepotism in Madison County.
What did she do to Metcalf? Harrass him until he left?
Michael Garrison – Matt Wechtel- Shultzy, and old Bill Briggs voted for Proffitt to be Interim. Give credit to Hensley and Wyatt for voting NO
Proffitt is a good name for this Madison shrew. Because she sure has profited off her antics. But her real name is West, and the Wests have been on the cow teet for years in Madison County.
Below are Proffitt’s tax documents; notice she pays a dump fee, yet no building is recorded on these tax documents.

The Madison GIS maps show something entirely different. There is a trailer on this property. Why is Proffitt allowed to profit by not paying property tax on this mobile home? Why is Proffitt’s dead husbands name still showing up on tax records?
These needs to be looked into…

Here is her trailer listed under the personal property designation on Madison County’s feckless Tax system. It is only being taxed at $5000 for a 1991 trailer, which is still listed under her dead husband’s name. This woman who wants to spend massive amounts of our tax money is only paying $250.00 a year for her home while the rest of us are getting hosed & scammed by Madison and receiving excessive tax increases.
Proffitt is a Tax Grifter…

Maybe Kathy West Proffitt’s tax bill is under the radar because of all her relatives and connections to corrupt Diana Norton.
April Plemmons from the Madison County tax office is married to Kathy West Proffitt’s nephew. Kathy West Proffitt’s sister also worked in the Madson County Tax office. Do you understand, folks, what is going on in this county? No wonder the tax office is in such a degraded shape.
Why would Michael Garrison, Matt Wechtel, and Bill Briggs assign a woman to be interim of the transportation department when she mismanaged her previous business in Madison County?
Did any of you Einsteins bother to check her background and tax discrepancies?
Why does this county continuously go to the bottom of the barrel in hiring? Find a few good men and send this rotten apple who has sponged off the taxpayers for years home!
We used to have a good tax administrator named Frank House. He left, and we have been stuck with low-grade, incompetent women in the tax office ever since.
For all of you smart enough to appeal, the representative for Tyler Technologies, Roger Kelley, tells taxpayers that if they appeal in their scheduled appointments, they get an automatic 25 percent deduction. Where is that in the contract? This is a mess because this tax department has created a massive issue with the actual property valuations in Madison. I believe a criminal act has happened, and we all were set up to take the fall for Madison County’s overspending and Sunshine Budgeting environment.
Madison County Commissioners used Covid 19 as an excuse for modern-day reconstruction.
The Sunshine Budgeting environment uses grants to pay bills, which works well while the sun shines until economic conditions change and everything comes crashing down.
This is why These Madison County Commissioners are building more government on the backs of the faithful taxpayers in this county.
They truly think we should have to pay for the tax grifters like Kathy Proffitt…
This process created by these five Republican Commissioners attempts to increase reliance on county government and collect votes for those implementing it.
Matt Wechtel has done this his whole life because he was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents did everything for him, including finding him a job. He is from Ohio, folks, and I can talk about people who were raised there because I was born there and have relatives there. Thank the Lord I was not raised in that state.
These are some of the dumbest people in America. Look up the book “Death in Yellowstone,” which sums it up nicely. It is a book by Yellowstone Park Rangers about their encounters with visitors. Many are from Ohio.
One in particular was a guy who approached some rangers in Yellowstone and asked them a question:” You guys put these animals up after dark, Right?”
Ohio’s mentality is that, and this is precisely how smart good-ole Matt Wechtel is; he is a danger to all of Madison County’s citizens. How Michael Garrison puppets him around is disgusting, but that is why Buddy and Garrison want him.
He can’t think for himself. Wechtel will do anything to be accepted by these local con men because he needs their kickbacks to survive. He doesn’t care about Madison County any more than Buddy Harwood and Michael Garrison do. Wechtel wants his presumed piece of the pie, something he has never been able to achieve because Mommy and Daddy provided it all.
Republican Leaders of today have referred back to the post-Civil War mentality of the spoiler system…
Basically, “To the Victor goes the Spoil” is an excuse for the winners to do whatever they want and profit themselves without taking the honest approach, which means doing what is suitable for all.
This leads to rampant corruption, nepotism, and favoritism at all levels of government, and here we are, folks…
Michael Garrison and Buddy Harwood are allowing illegal aliens to roam throughout Madison County, they claim it is Christian to care for them and hide them. Don’t think that Madison County can’t become Springfield Ohio…
Nobody cared when illegals were killing people in DUI crashes, raping them in shelters, strangling them on college campuses, and beating cops in Times Square, but you eat one cat….
Outrage has sparked an incredible amount of memes which have the lefties unhinged!

I am glad you are finally awake. I had no idea it would take eating the family cat to get you aware…
Buddy Harwood and Michael Garrison have this in store for all of you in Madison County. They have been working on making Madison County a sanctuary county for years. What will they do when the NC legislature votes next week to force all NC sheriffs to comply with ICE?
See Below from the Carolina Journal. Michael Garrison owns the brand Elmer Gantry Garrison because he is the carbon copy of this monster character.
But don’t catch Mike in the act because he and Buddy Harwood will do everything they can to destroy you. That is what happened to Chief Boone when he worked for Buddy Harwood. He accidentally walked in on Michael Garrison and Michelle Quintero. Quintero was in Garrison’s lap; use your imagination for the rest.
Boone immediately left and said he was very sorry, which did not quiet Michael Garrisons’ vengeance for being caught. Garrison and Buddy Harwood fired Boone. Firing was not enough because Garrison and Harwood started a campaign to keep Boone from getting any job in the area.
Mike Boone was scheduled to take a position at the NC Department of Corrections, but before this could happen, NCDOC canceled the offer. These two despicable bastards, Michael Garrison and Buddy Harwood blackballed every attempt this poor man made to get hired.
Some of you may not understand that Boone has a disabled wife and daughter, so he needed to get a job quickly. Harwood and Garrison tried to force Boone out of the area because they did not want the truth to come out. He wanted to stay because Yancey County was his home; luckily, the Town of Weaverville hired him. Harwood and Garrison can’t buy everyone off; a few good men remain.
I tell you this now because you need to know what kind of monsters are in charge of Madison County Government. Michael Garrison and Matt Wechtel do not deserve to be elected commissioners in November. These are two dangerous, corrupt, self-serving men who do not have even an inch of moral turpitude between them.
John Ledford was Mike Boone’s friend. It amazes me that he got back in bed with Buddy Harwood after what they did to his dear friend Mike Boone.
I don’t know who these two Democrat women are who are running for county commissioner; that being said, they can’t possibly do any more harm to the county than these two Republicans have waged against Madison County citizens.
They represent only two votes; by voting for them, we can cut the head off this two-headed snake and try to return our county to the people. If they dare to run again, we will deal with the other three in two years.
I am voting for both of these women. This County and its residents must have a come to Jesus moment before it is too late. -CH
NC House and Senate News
Holy Moley, Michael Garrison, and Buddy Harwood will be forced to abide by the law PRICELESS