We are a nation that has a government not the other way around. This makes us special among other nations of the Earth. The Government has no power except that granted to them by the people.
Ronald Reagan
Our nation and our freedom are under attack from fellow Americans.
THEY (Radical Progressive Left) claim America was “never great.”
THEY demand we fall in line and stay silent. It is time you take a stand!
It is time you take back your Country and your county hold them accountable.
Don’t let these tyrants take your American Dream!
Your elected and appointed officials are sending Madison County to a place it can never recover. Craig Goforth- Mark Snelson- Norris Gentry- Michael Garrison-Matt Wechtel- Mark Pless -Ralph Hise-Tammy Cody, and Buddy Harwood have conspired to turn Madison County into a sanctuary for crime and drugs.
They dare to call it “Economic Development.”
In April of 2021, Democrats Josh Stein and Roy Cooper moved to turn N.C. into an Opioid indentured slave. Keep in mind these two men are both politically funded by the C.C.P.; and for all of you in Marshall, this means the Chinese Communist Party.
How Pro-CCP Communists Are Working to Flip North Carolina (theepochtimes.com)
Now folks, where and how do all these opioid drugs come into our country? CHINA- Josh Stein and Roy Cooper’s donors. Add the fact their good illegitimate Democrat leader has the border opened 24-7 is not helping this since Mexico is the largest drug cartel in South America.
The Democrats created this problem, and now they are going throughout N.C. with a wad of money, throwing it at ignorant county commissioners and city administrators who are gullible enough to fall for the scam. Mark Pless and Ralph Hise R.I.N.O.S. are driving this.
They call it the N.C.M.O.A. Rachel Potter, who serves as the Madison County health coordinator and bridge counselor, stated with glee that each year 1,531,796.00 would come into our county for 18 years. This is how these Rachel’s get paid through these grants are you catching on? See below.

Folks, look what these idiot megalomaniacs Tammy Cody, Buddy Harwood, and these Commissioners have done to us.
Their colluded greed and incompetence have kicked dirt into the face of decent people throughout Madison County. Locals whose families have been here for generations can’t recognize their home.
For eighteen years, we will be subjected to society’s worst of the worst. These opioid addicts are criminals; most people in our county are not drug users and criminals but law-abiding citizens. We will now have to deal with this vermin and more leftist outsiders coming into the area because of it.
Madison will have a big drug target on its back. Don’t even think to call it the Jewel of the Blueridge. Try Eyesore Disgrace of the Blueridge.
These addicts come to methadone drug clinics every 24 hours to maintain their Medicaid enrollment in this program. The drug only lasts for 24 hours.
They are not sent home with the drugs; they return daily for their fix. So every day, the same addict returns.
Don’t you think there is a possibility they may get bored and decide to break into your home? Rape your wife, molest your kids, you bet ya folks because they are not law-abiding individuals.
These are free drugs peddled by these monsters, one drug replacing another drug. These criminals are not clean when they leave Tammy Cody’s mental asylum of misfits; they are just hooked on another medication.
This medication comes from the same health community that lied to you about the deadly vaccine, another lie by Tammy Cody – Buddy Harwood and your precious government. They lie for sport and they are lying about the implications of these boondoggles hidden as precious grant money. How many people died and will die because of the implications of Tammy Cody and Buddy Harwood’s clot shot?
Remember it was Tammy Cody and Buddy Harwood who lied to churches to get them to shut their doors for covid, claiming they would need body bags outside if they dared to open. ALL LIES, so why believe anything coming out of their mouths now?
Mark Snelson made a statement at the June 28th commissioner’s meeting concerning the moratorium and Land Use Plan “It’s not carved in stone, it’s just a work in progress,” Snelson said. “Me and Michael (Garrison) had this discussion before the meeting: we didn’t want this to become Asheville. So that’s why we’re not going to let it become Asheville.”
But this is indeed what you are doing Mr. Snelson.
Why not have a moratorium on Opioid treatment centers and grant funding for them?
You know we can do that, right? As a community of sober law-abiding people, we need to Zone Out – Opioid centers- Low Barrier homeless shelters- Methadone clinics.
The commissioners can stop this grant participation in NCMOA.
You can make your voices heard by attending the Madison County Commissioners’ meeting on Tuesday evening at 6:30 at the Cooperative Extension Center.
This is your County, and these commissioners and congressional legislators work for you!
You have to watch these grants. Ask yourselves why are grants so complicated and lengthy? I bet many of you were unaware of what happened to Asheville in 1998. Have you ever wondered where all those Homeless people actually came from? Asheville did not have the abundance of homeless years ago did they all just fall from the sky- no they were encouraged to come. It was in their Growth Plan. These undesirables are even in Hendersonville and everywhere they exist they destroy the area around them.
Asheville, NC, because of its population, was eligible to receive federal grant money for 15 years if they used part of the money to build missions to feed and house the hungry.
After money dries up from grants, you are always left with the smelly residue of stupidity.
Sound Familiar? Below is Asheville today; they have no idea what they will do with their homeless problem.
And Come…

There are more dangerous grants on the horizon from Pless and Hise, in the works for Madison, and they are all likely to cause adverse consequences to the law-abiding people of Madison. Pless has even admitted to this and chuckles how he thinks this will get him elected because he is throwing money into these communities in his district.
These elected leaders have taken money from the enemy.
How will that work out for us?
These Madison County commissioners are doing everything to keep you from seeing the truth.
Why do we need more drug users, felons, and Methadone clinics in a quiet 22,000-population Mountain county?
Why do we need low-income housing in Madison County? Why do we need more low-income apartments? Tammy Cody can’t even do her job and control this health emergency in low-income housing below. These places are all over Madison County you think throwing Methadone at it will fix it? This particular place has been cleaned up many times but reverts back to this.
You can’t push a chain you have to pull it!

Madison County will become a Drug Hub for methadone, and Mark Pless and Ralph Hise are more than willing to drop these grants into the lap of our feckless leaders.
Hise and Pless don’t live here . Why don’t they take the time and care to see what implications these clinics will have on the counties they are put into?
Madison County will forever be known as the place where vermin Drug users can come to get their free fix and don’t think the word will not get out it travels with criminals.
Madison County Commissioners own this!
Mark Pless and Ralph Hise own this!
Buddy Harwood and Tammy Cody own this!
Why do you think Dogwood Trust is targeting Western NC?
See Below how completely Madison County is involved with these Marxists.
Who are these groups and what is their plan?
They give you their plan below don’t be fooled by them helping the poor and the downtroden. If you are a Christian they consider you the poor.
Their purpose by their admittance is to destroy Rural America.
They are our enemies – now notice what group is tagged for NC?
None other then the bastion of Marxists “Down Home NC.”
Notice how your schools and county have been infiltrated since these Democrat commissioners took over and these two RINOS Matt Wechtel and Michael Garrison have shown their true stripes…
Know your enemies…
Dogwood Trust is a grant provider which was formed when the corrupt Mission Non-Profit sold out to the new for-profit Hospital.
This Non- Profit is who is targeting us below:
Dogwood Trust funds “Beloved Asheville” and “Homeward Bound low barrier shelters.”
The female attorney that signed the paperwork for the Dogwood Trust works for Bill Gates and gets seed money she calls the Golden Ticket!
Do you trust grant money funneled in from Bill Gates?
Don’t forget, folks, these Marxists from Dogwood will also oversee Madison’s money.

Low barrier shelters are temporary housing that is in contrast to shelters and transitional housing programs that have “housing-ready models” in which residents must address various issues (e.g., substance abuse) that led to their episode(s) of homelessness.
These shelters do not require:
- Criminal background checks,
- Credit checks or income verification,
- Program participation,
- Sobriety
- Identification
Look how fast they swarmed into Louisville KY below:
You build it they will come!
Below is what they look like outside and inside. Remember these addicts have to come back every 24 hours.
Watch and see how long it takes for the County commissioners to reach out to Dogwood Trust funds and this beauty below from Reclaim Madison to build this junk.
Because that is all Reclaim can build.
Remember folks the guy that runs Reclaim Madison is Marxist Paul Moon’s best friend. Are you putting the pieces together?
Know your enemies…

What is so pathetic is that the Madison County Commissioners in their budget gave money to Reclaim Madison and the Housing coalition and only gave $30,000 for a Madison County Drug Court coordinator.
Why not put more money in Drug Court?
Drug Court is the only option we in this county should be embracing, Drug court requires addicts to get treatment outside of Madison County and it is monitored by the courts not these idiots at Madison County Health Department or Sheriff Buddy and his sex castle.

Dogwood Health Trust is a radical progressive bunch of people hell-bent on increasing not decreasing homelessness, crime, and indecency in the rural areas of Western NC.
Remember, this all started with progressive Marxist groups Down Home Madison and R.O.A.R.; their whole purpose is to reeducate all of us and take over our County.
They are not who they say they are read below:
Although it bills itself as a local grassroots nonpartisan organization, financial disclosures show Down Home isn’t nearly as “homey” as it seems, given that well over 99 percent of its funding comes from just three liberal PACs based in Chicago, Palo Alto, California, and Washington, D.C.
Smoky mountain news
Darlyne Rhinehart – Buddy Harwood’s bookkeeper is Down Home Madison’s director. The commissioners in a unanimous vote on June 28 2022 appointed her to the DSS board.
What do you think Darlyne Rhinehart’s purpose is to this board?
Why now?
Know Your Enemies…
These radicals do not want you to know who they are, so they hide and lie to cover up their rap sheets.
Dogwood trust also funds Seek Healing where drug addicts can go and just hang out and socialize with their “Peers in Crime.”
This means they could set up these social clubs here in Madison.
Dogwood claims Seek-Healing works to prevent drug overdoses by treating the individual and the community for addiction.
This means they desire to shove this filth into the public’s face and make you live around the stench and pay for it through your tax dollars.
Look, folks, we have numerous people which live in this county who get disability for mental problems, these people are all around and you don’t have an idea where they lurk in the shadows.
Just look at the “Conscious Homesteaders” Pat Franklin and Lizzie Gullim admimister. Where do you think they get money?
In retrospect, these Marxists tell these drug addicts it is ok to be this way, same as encouraging and telling transgender and homosexuals, it is ok to be this way.

These Marxists who hide behind the masks of do-gooders are after one thing. The one thing they detest more than anything is our God Given freedoms and American History. They want to steal and replace your American dream with their Satanic ideology.
We in this County have no problem helping our citizens get off drugs, including methadone. Before you can help an addict, they have to want to help themselves.
The Madison County commissioners have an option to pick Plan A or B.
These Madison commissioners have chosen Plan-A
- Plan A- crack kits and needles are hidden under the name of harm reduction – Notice that Rachel Potter – Tammy Cody’s spokesperson spoke about this in the article above. low Barrier homeless housing- ANYONE CAN COME TO MADISON TO GET THEIR DRUGS- anything goes in this option.
- Plan B- Residents only- case by case – rehabilitation outside our county- but folks, this would be less money for the Blood-suckers of Madison.
Let’s, in closing, look at these commissioners and how they have profited since they have become a commissioner.
Matt Wechtel folks, the reason I call him “Fried Chicken” is not solely because he is morbidly obese but because two years ago, he was placed in the Hospital to insert a stent to keep him alive. He should have had his weight off a year ago if he wants to keep walking this earth.
He has not lost any weight. Therefore you can only assume he does not care about anything but fried chicken, not his family, not his position as our commissioner, etc. Wechtel likes to brag about losing twice and then getting elected. This is not true Matt Wechtel was appointed by the Republican Executive committee when Judge Baker quit his position. Baker is known for abandoning his commitments. Getting elected after you have been appointed is a lot easier than starting from scratch. Matt Wechtel has strong ties to Marxist Joe Sam Queen and the radicals at Soil and Water. He is a RINO.
Michael Garrison and his good wife have become land barons in Madison County since he has come to work for the county. Garrison’s property appears hidden in tax records because he bought a lot of new property, and it’s been surveyed.
Interestingly, Garrison acquired this property from the same man who had his flooring stolen by Elsberry Wyatt.
A Guy gets over 200 rolls of flooring stolen by a former Democrat County Commissioner and Garrison buys property from the victim but fails to do his duty as a law enforcement official for Buddy Harwood and as Chief of Mars Hill Police department. Remember Buddy Harwood refused to prosecute even after law enforcement determined this was indeed a crime …Priceless
Norris Gentry has lavished himself on our nickel for years. He has purchased two new cars and increased his County salary to $80,000 a year. Don’t forget the additional travel expenses we taxpayers are paying these commissioners.
On his tax bill, Norris Gentry relies on a mortgage company to pay his taxes.
Look at this guy; he has never been married, is as old as George Soros, and lives in a minimal valued home that he received free of charge but yet he has to morgage this free property. What does this say?
He has no kids, so why does he have his house mortgaged? Is it because of that new Kiawah Island vacation beach home? This shows how this man manages money.
This old retired feckless man is who we have handling our money.
This type of spending is precisely what he and his comrades do to our county.
Mark Snelson’s property is showing a value of $21,000 because he removed the double-wide off the property and is replacing it with a NEW HOUSE. Isn’t this nice Bubba Snelson can afford to build a new home in this environment?
Buddy Harwood is remodeling his house on top of all the new vehicles and his lavish vacation getaways.
So there you have it, folks, new houses, new cars, new vacation getaways, increases in salaries and most of you will not be able to afford the oil or gas to fill your tanks this winter.
Let these elected officials know how you feel. You can’t sit on your laurels anymore, and if the Republican candidates for election in Madison refuse to denounce this spending and these two RINOS, then, by all means, don’t vote for them. Leave it blank!
Pless and Hise should never receive another vote from the people of this county.
Tell these commissioners how you feel. Demand it; they work for you.
Ronald Reagen said
“Freedom is the highest aspiration of the American People”
Do not surrender your freedom. Fight hold the line this is your home show up, call, send emails and tell them you are not taking this anymore-CH
Below are these officials’ emails and phone numbers; let them have it, Patriots!
- Matt Wechtel- phone- 828-413-9597 Email: mwechtel@madisoncountync.gov
- Mark Pless Phone- 828-421-8156 Email: Mark.Pless@ncleg.gov
- Ralph Hise- Email: Ralph.Hise@ncleg.gov
- Mark Snelson- Email: msnelson@madisoncountync.gov
- Micahel Garrison- Email: mgarrison@madisoncountync.gov
- Craig Goforth- Email: cgoforth@mhu.edu – cgoforth@madisoncountync.gov
- Norris Gentry- Email: ngentry@madisoncountync.gov
- Tammy Cody- Email: tcody@madisoncountync.gov
- Sheriff Buddy- email: sheriffharwood@madisoncountync.gov
COMMISSIONERS MEETING 6:30 at Cooperative Extension Office best to be there early to sign up to speak.
Below are massive Drug arrests in Henderson County over the weekend
This is how competent Law enforcement actually works – They shut down drug houses. Buddy Harwood and Michael Garrison allowed heroin houses to remain open in Madison which ultimately ended several lives – why?
More coming on that story folks…
41 arrested in Henderson Co. drug operation, deputies say
By Robert Cox
WSPA 7News
12 hours ago
HENDERSON CO., NC (WSPA) – The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office said 41 people were arrested as part of a drug bust they called “Operation The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.”
Investigators said the operation began after they received numerous complaints about alleged drug sales, drug trafficking, and numerous overdose cases.
Deputies said the arrests were the result of a six-month investigation. Seven search warrants were executed during the operation at locations in Henderson County, Hendersonville, and Greenville County.
The sheriff’s office said they identified Henry Hunt of Hendersonville as the source of the various drugs.
Henderson County investigators seized heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine, marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms, more than $24,000 in cash, four guns, and one vehicle.
The sheriff’s office also identified six “drug houses” in Henderson County which they reportedly closed.
28 Madison Claire Lane, East Flat Rock, NC (From: Henderson County Sheriff’s Office)
95 Beth Ann Lane, Hendersonville, NC (From: Henderson County Sheriff’s Office)
219 Glover Street, Hendersonville, NC (From: Henderson County Sheriff’s Office)
507 5th Ave West, Apt. C, Hendersonville, NC (From: Henderson County Sheriff’s Office)
906 Holmes Street, Hendersonville, NC (From: Henderson County Sheriff’s Office)
912 Holmes Street, Hendersonville, NC (From: Henderson County Sheriff’s Office)
The sheriff’s office said 41 people were arrested and they were still looking for six people.
List of arrests, charges, and bond information:
- Henry Hunt – Felony Continuing Criminal Enterprise and Felony Conspire to Traffick Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Trafficking in Opium and Heroin, Felony Manufacture Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Possess with Intent to Sell & Deliver Schedule I Controlled Substance, Felony Possess with Intent to Sell & Deliver Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Felony Maintain Dwelling for Controlled Substance, Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver Controlled Substance within 1000ft of a school, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – $1,901,500.00 Secured Bond
- Xavier Hunt – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $830,000.00 Secured Bond + 25 days Contempt of Court.
- Ja’siah Petty -Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver within 1000ft of school, Felony Maintain Dwelling for Controlled Substance, Felony Trafficking in Opium and Heroin, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: $246,500.00 Secured Bond
- Tyrese Hunt – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspiracy to Sell/Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Possession of Stolen Firearm, Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver within 1000ft of school, Felony Maintain Dwelling for Controlled Substance, Felony Trafficking in Opium and Heroin, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: $246,500.00 Secured Bond.
- Raymond Wright – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver within 1000ft of school, Felony Maintain Dwelling for Controlled Substance, Felony Trafficking in Opium and Heroin, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: $246,500.00 Secured Bond.
- Treyveon McClure – Felony Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Conspiracy to Traffick Schedule II Controlled Substance: $200,000.00 Secured Bond
- Damian Hunt – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $100,000.00 Secured Bond
- Da’ja Waters – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspiracy to Sell/Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Trafficking in Opium and Heroin, Felony Manufacture Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony PWISD Schedule I Controlled Substance, Felony PWISD Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Felony Maintain Dwelling for Controlled Substance, Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver Controlled Substance within 1000ft of a School ,and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia $1,180,000.00 Secured Bond.
- Geremee Simpson – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $100,000.00 Secured Bond
- Aaliyah Flemming – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $100,000.00 Secured Bond
- Elizabeth Ciccarillo – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance. $100,000.00 Secured Bond.
- Deleah Shepherd – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $100,000.00 Secured Bond
- Lydia Workman – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $200,000.00 Secured Bond
- Vivian Hunt – Felony Conspiracy to Continuing Criminal Enterprise: $80,000.00 Secured Bond
- Evan Kelly – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Austyn Heatherly – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Lillian McCraw – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Michael Snyder – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Danielle Heaps – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Justin Webber – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $110,000.00 Secured Bond
- Harrison Moss – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Colby West – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Slater Sides – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Jesse DeJesus – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Logan Jones – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Jennifer Wilson – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Possession Schedule II Controlled Substance: $26,000.00 Secured Bond
- Mattie Atkins – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Quasion Taylor – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Lindsey Miller – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Destiny Holcombe – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Ronnie Lail – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $26,000.00 Secured Bond
- Tuesday Sinclair – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Brandon Burris – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Parris Collington – Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver Controlled Substance within 1000ft of a School, Possession with Intent to Sell/Delivery Schedule VI Controlled Substance: $48,000.00 Secured Bond
- Mariam Cummings – Felony Manufacture Sell & Deliver Controlled Substance within 1000ft of a School, Felony Trafficking Opium/Heroin, Felony Maintain place for Controlled Substance. $246,500.00 Secured Bond.
- Benjamin Tweed – Felony Possession Schedule II Controlled Substance, Felony Possession of Schedule I Controlled Substance, Possession Schedule VI Controlled Substance: $12,600.00 Secured Bond.
- Heather Engle – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance: $20,000.00 Secured Bond
- Tiffany Allen – Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance: $100.00 Secured Bond.
- Ryan Rowe – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance, Child Abuse: $26,000.00
Henry Hunt
Treyveon McClure
Xavier Hunt
Ja’siah Petty
Tyrese Hunt
Raymond Wright
Damian Hunt
Da’ja Waters
Geremee Simpson
Aaliyah Flemming
Elizabeth Ciccarillo
Deleah Shepherd
Lydia Workman
Vivian Hunt
Evan Kelly
Austyn Heatherly
Lillian McCraw
Michael Snyder
Danielle Heaps
Justin Webber
Harrison Moss
Colby West
Slater Sides
Jesse DeJesus
Logan Jones
Jennifer Wilson
Mattie Atkins
Quasion Taylor
Lindsey Miller
Destiny Holcombe
Ronnie Lail
Tuesday Sinclair
Brandon Burris
Parris Collington
Mariam Cummings
Benjamin Tweed
Heather Engle
Tiffany Allen
Ryan Rowe
Ingrid Sonne – WANTED
Bradley Waters – WANTED
Jenna Cassidy Ray – WANTED
Rebecca Moorman – WANTED
Billy Clayton II – WANTED
Trent Hill – WANTED
Deputies said these six people are still wanted:
- Ingrid Sonne – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance
- Bradley Waters – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance
- Jenna Cassidy Ray – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance
- Rebecca Moorman – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance and Felony Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance.
- Billy Clayton II – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance
- Trent Hill – Felony Conspire to Sell or Deliver Schedule II Controlled Substance
Anyone with information on their locations is asked to call the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office at 828-697-4911.