There is so much insanity going on in our world and our country…
I can’t even begin to explain all of this to you. The depth of evil fermenting by those in the Democrat-Republican Uni Party, the religious arrogance, and the fact that we, as Americans, are not standing up to fight against war crimes is breathtaking to me.
What is wrong with these fundamentalist religions in our country that have jumped on the bandwagon of murdering innocent women and children?
Over 19,000 people, many being children, have been killed in Gaza since Israel launched their retaliatory war. One million people out of two million residents have been displaced from their homes, which have been leveled and are in ruins.
The Israelis have been known for this over the years. Hanukkah (Chanukkah) is the celebration of the slaughter by the Jews of the Greeks and “Hellenized” Jews. All of the Holy days of The Jews are the celebration-commemoration of the massacre of their perceived enemies (primarily non-Jews).
How much killing will it take to satisfy Zionists of Israel and Americas fundamentalist hunger?
All is not well this Christmas, as this beautiful song below portrays…
In good reporting “Truth has no Side.”
I have three videos below, one from Judge Napolitano with Alastair Crooke and the second from Tucker Carlson and Jimmy Dore. I encourage all of you to take the time to watch all of them.
The Awakening on the Progressive Left is defined in Tucker and Jimmy’s video. Judge Napolitano has had guests on his show for months who have been on point about what is going on in Ukraine and now Israel. If you want the truth, this is a good start. Please take the time to watch and learn; you won’t be disappointed.
Alastair Crooke, the esteemed former British Ambassador, to delve into the captivating question: “Does Netanyahu have an Exit Planned?” With a distinguished career in diplomacy and a profound understanding of Middle Eastern affairs, Crooke is poised to offer unique insights into the motivations and strategies that may guide Netanyahu as he navigates the intricate political landscape.
Fascism passes the House of Representatives in DC and guess what it was the Democrats and One lone Republican from KY- Thomas Massie who stood against this attack on Freedom of Speech…Priceless
WASHINGTON (JTA) — The U.S. House of Representatives approved a nonbinding resolution saying that anti-Zionism is antisemitism, with support from all but one Republican and a substantial minority of Democrats.
The resolution was introduced by the two Jewish Republicans in the House, Max Miller of Ohio and David Kustoff of Tennessee. It was notable for the number of Jewish Democrats who voted “present,” effectively abstaining, in part because they disagreed with the resolution’s contention that all forms of anti-Zionism were antisemitic.
I disagree with Israeli Zionism and with the barbarism of Hamas. But does Congress have the right to try to suppress my speech or anyone else?
This is fascism by the Republican Party. Whether you like the speech or not, you have no right to suppress it.
This Zionist agenda of Genocide has created a big problem for American evangelicals known as “Christian Zionists.” Genocide is not something that can be reconciled with the teachings of Jesus.
Evangelicals will have to decide between worshipping Israel and worshipping Jesus.
This just came up from Judge Napolitano’s YouTube channel yesterday, coinciding with this. They are right!
Tucker Carlson and Jimmy Dore a very common sense and funny interview…
Jimmy Dore and Tucker Carlson used to occupy opposite ends of the political spectrum — Jimmy a fire-breathing leftist and Tucker a dyed-in-the-wool conservative.
But since then, they’ve both come to understand that the real fight is not right-left but rather up-down, with the elites pitted against the rest of us.
The Democrats just can’t stop they are so Stuck on Stupid. This week the Democrat Party tried another Bogus maneuvar to keep President Trump off the ballot in Colorado. Comical these desperate idiots never learn!
Watch his Poll numbers go up!
The Colorado Supreme Court has laid all its cards on the table. In a move of extreme desperation, four Democrat-appointed justices have gone out on a limb to try and disqualify President Trump from the GOP primary by banning him from the ballot. Many experts are describing this as an actual “attack on our nation’s democracy” and a clear case of election interference.
The good news is that the GOP in Colorado is not sitting back either; they’re fighting. The party has come up with a plan to keep President Trump on the ballot if this Marxist decision is allowed to stand.
The strategy involves transforming the entire process into a “caucus.”
NC Board Of Elections faced their own complaint from crazy Marxists in this state. They folded, but don’t forget what these radicals in Raleigh tried to do to Madison Cawthorn. When Mark Robinson is elected, he must clean house in the NCBOE.
Trump will be on NC ballots for 2024 primary: Elections officials dismiss complaint (
Now for the Madison County News and it is just as sad…
Where do I start? Well, let’s go with those who signed up to run for election in March’s Primary. See below:
I want to focus on Madison County; we will get to the rest later.
Judgeships for Prosecutorial District 35 – 24th Judicial District Court of North Carolina.
These judgeships are now called prosecutorial. Numerically realign Superior Court and District Court Districts with Prosecutorial Districts (HB259) – effective January 1, 2024
Look at this below – Now tell me, does this look like a setup by the Republican and Democrat parties?
Why didn’t the Republican Party in District 24 run a candidate for “Seat #4,” which Allie Leake filed on December 04, 2023?
This woman is not qualified at this time or fit to sit in a judgeship. Allie Leake has only been a licensed attorney since late 2020.
Below is from her Father’s law firm notice she received her BA from Chapel Hill
However, she chose to go to WVU for her law degree JD. Why? Chapel Hill has a great law school ranked number 22.
Did she not have the grades? Why go to a low-ranking out-of-state law school?
University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill – Best Law Schools – US News
West Virginia Law is ranked 113. This is a legitimate question that should be answered, but oh no, you can’t ask it because the fix was in; at least, that is what it looks like. All three district seat candidates filed on the same day, with no one challenging any of them!
You scratch my back, Republicans, and don’t run anyone against my unqualified daughter, and I will make sure you have no opponents running against you.
Typical Madison County Rot…
West Virginia University – Overall Rankings – US News
I asked Allie Leake in an email to send me her qualifications to be a judge, noting in this email that I felt she was unqualified at this time to be a judge.
Baby Leake didn’t even have the guts to respond, but why should she? She has never done anything on her own.
She didn’t even buy her own house in Mars Hill; her mommy, Teresa Banks, shows up on the deed. See below:
This house was bought by Mama for 675,000. Notice who they bought this house from – Will Hoffman – superintendent of Madison County Schools, and his wife.
Allie Leake’s first house is $675.000. Was yours were you able to buy a house at this price for your children?
This house is located right up the road from Daddy Leake. Talk about codependent. Does anyone doubt who will actually be wearing that black robe in District 24?
I would have more respect for Leake if she had EVER been independent in her thinking and life skills.
This is not what we need in our judges; every other candidate for a judge on this list has monumental experience and maturity, and that will help them make good decisions on the bench. What is she going to do? Call Daddy every time she has to make a decision.
Allie Leake is nothing more than an Entitled Offspring. Her father, Larry Leake, was also an Entitled Offspring at the same age.
Leake was installed as a state senator here in NC, but he had to resign after he was arrested.
What was one of the first things the Stain of Sodom did…

Let’s hope she doesn’t have any of Daddy’s underlying adversities. I don’t think this immature kid has what it takes, but I hope she proves me wrong for the sake of our courts and the people of this court district.
But again, this shows you how feckless the Republican Party is and how intermingled with the rot of the Democrat Party it has become.
The Republican Party’s 11th Congressional District again elects Michelle Woodhouse at the helm. Now add another village idiot, Patrick Ward, the Republican chair here in Madison County. What could possibly go wrong?
You just can’t make this up…

Woodhouse returns as NC-11 GOP chair (
But I will tell you, no one wants the job, which is most likely why she and the Dork at the Madison County Republican party were elected.
Patrick Ward will do anything to get recognition. He more than likely begged like a little dog. Remember, he thinks he can be elected to the Clerk of Court in Madison.
The Woodhouses have embarrassed this state with their antics over the years. Remember?
Cute huh?

More on the Republicans in Madison, it looks like Matt Wechtel and Michael Garrison are being primaried for the commissioner’s race.
Tony Ponder has thrown his hat into the ring. Good for him. He would do a good job. The Republican Party in Madison hates him, which means he has their number and is doing something admirable.
These two Grafters – Matt Wechtel and Michael Garrison, don’t deserve a second chance. They are behind what happened at the planning board meeting on December 19th; see below…
But on Dec. 19, despite roughly 20 residents expressing their opposition to an application to remove the county’s 50-foot setback requirement for building on ridge tops, the Madison County Planning Board voted to recommend to scrap the setback requirement in a meeting continued from Nov. 21 to allow the board to hear from all the residents who signed up for public comment.
In the next step, on Jan. 9, the Madison County Board of Commissioners will vote on whether to approve the planning board’s recommendation.
The application was submitted by Russell Blevins.
Neither Blevins nor Parker presented to the board Dec. 19, as their presentation was completed in the previous meeting, in which Blevins said he felt the 50-foot setback requirement not only forced him off the soil most stable on which to build, but resulted in more environmental damage.
Prior to starting the hearing, Board Chair Jered Silver said he felt the county Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance’s 50-foot setback requirement was environmentally harmful.
“I can’t find anything that is more destructive than this ordinance, and that’s partially why I think a lot of the other counties in North Carolina don’t have it, because it is so destructive to the environment,” Silver said.
“I’ve looked this ordinance over for the last month. I’ve been in construction my whole life. It’s really all I know. I can’t find anything in this book that is worse for the environment than this ordinance, and the reason being, first of all, you’re building a house so you can have to build it off the side of the mountain. We see it all the time. When you go to Woodfin, and you see it around here some. There’s houses that’s not on the top of the ridges, they’re on the side of the mountain, and the ground’s completely destroyed from putting just the driveway, much less the house.”
The board chair said he felt building on the top of a mountain at 3,100 feet, “They’re going to cause a lot less damage putting a house at top than at the side.”
The statement drew exclamations of disagreement from the crowd, causing Silver to start the hearing.
Johnny Casey- Asheville Citizen Times
Good job to Johnny Casey in his reporting and collecting these statements from Silver.
“I’ve looked this ordinance over for the last month. I’ve been in construction my whole life. It’s really all I know. I can’t find anything in this book that is worse for the environment than this ordinance, and the reason being, first of all, you’re building a house so you can have to build it off the side of the mountain. We see it all the time. When you go to Woodfin, and you see it around here some. There’s houses that’s not on the top of the ridges, they’re on the side of the mountain, and the ground’s completely destroyed from putting just the driveway, much less the house.”
Jered Silver
How embarrassing for the people of Madison County that this CHAIRMAN of the Madison County planning board made statements at a public hearing that prove he is incompetent and unfit to serve as the chairman. In his own words, he states this is all I know. He can’t even comprehend that Woodfin is not in the NC Mountain Ridge Protection Act.
Almost all of these Ridge General statutes and regulations are in the high mountains…
There are no Ridge restrictions in Woodfin. If Jered Silver can’t read a map or a general statute properly, how can we expect him to understand any ordinance?

You can’t make it up!
Jered Silver stated, “I’ve been in construction my whole life. It’s really all I know. I can’t find anything in this book that is worse for the environment than this ordinance. The ordinance is environmentally harmful.
This phony blather was coming from the Son of Sanford on the Bypass. If you want to see what is really environmentally harmful, look below.
This is the Silver junkyard on the bypass. I bet most of you didn’t realize that this dump of old cars polluting the groundwater has been growing over the years. Calling a protective ordinance, which was implemented to follow a general statute and protect property values from being indemnified, speaks volumes about what Silver is really up to.
Don’t forget Jered Silver had to recuse himself during the hearing of the carpet bagger because his Daddy – (Sanford) was caught doing work for the applicant…
Are you catching on to the mindset of this planning board and these commissioners? They think they can do whatever they want without regard for the law or the people who pay taxes in Madison county.

Are you starting to put the pieces together in this puzzle? Are you figuring out what is happening here?
I think this spectacle of hubris by chairman Jered Silver speaks volumes…
Can Silver and these planning board bandits break the law to cover up and help other builders with whom they have worked in unison over the years?
No, and if any hired attorney like John Noor or Donnie Laws instructed any county board member, county employee, or county commissioner to break the law and cover up the act, they can explain their position to the NC State Bar.
Some have said the County is afraid of being sued. It is we, the people, and the taxpayers of Madison County, who have the legal authority to sue now.
I hope you boys get some magic underwear for Christmas because you are going to need them…
Sanford and Son on the Bypass

Look at this letter that Big Daddy Parker sent out to the public prior to this meeting in order to harass and scare them.
Notice he uses Russell Blevins’s physical address. See how ignorant he is in claiming he has a constitutional right to rape the ridges of Madison County.

Notice the names of those who signed this strange letter.
No attorney put their name on this rubbish. Do they even know what a government taking is?
These are the Einsteins in the letter above that these planning board members relied on to vote to strip property protections.
The planning board accepted their pathetic illegal narrative. Why?
Here is what I think is going on; remember, Rod Honeycutt and Brad Guth (goof) would never answer my question about why a permit was granted to Monica Toole; notice the contractor marked this application not on a protective ridge when it was.
Honeycutt and Guth never answered, which showed they were in the process of covering this up.
The Republican commissioners got the two Einstein attorneys, Donnie Laws and John Noor, to devise a plan that they thought would save them.
Working with this planning board to poof get rid of the ordinance, they think this act will cover their tracks for all the years these permits have been handed out in violation.
How many of these permits issued since 2010 included the Willis’s and any of these planning board members?
I think it boils down to most of the planning board members being contractors or builders. They weren’t going to go for something Willis was called out for violating, nor that would negatively impact available lots at Wolf Laurel.
That hits too close to home. These blatant actions by the planning board were only voted on to protect their and the county’s tracks for all the years of permits that have been passed in violation.
The bottom line is that “passed in violation” is an illegal act under the general statutes of NC and the Madison County Land Use Ordinance.
Not to mention Alan Wyatt, county commissioner, also a relative of the Willis Boys, used his position as a planning board member to remove protective ordinance setbacks to profit himself. This while John Noor, a licensed NC attorney, oversaw this act.
How do we know Alan Wyatt wasn’t conversing with the planning board members before this vote?
He can be deposed to get the answers.
Jered Silver is not too bright, and quite frankly, he comes off as nothing more than a cocky professional asshole. Why is he so upset, angry, and rude with residents speaking out about the destruction of Madison County’s ridgelines?
There are some people you never give power to; this guy is a perfect example. Silver doesn’t have the literacy or the moral fortitude to handle the public.
Silver, Blevins, Parker, and the Willis boys are trying to pit the locals against those who have moved here.
These grifters actually think the locals are stupid enough to swallow this propaganda. That is what they get for thinking because there are more locals against this abuse of development than they realize.
There are more connections in this twisted tale and the next big ugly in Madison, and of course, it has a Harwood smell all over it…
Don’t forget the connection between Buddy Harwood and the Willis boys.
Regina Reed of French Broad Paving caught this and reported it to me.
Remember, I previously reported, per our conversation, that she followed Darlyne Rhinehart, who was carrying a clipboard – (Hardwoods bookkeeper), into the Willis BBQ and witnessed Rhinehart checking with Willis on the location of Madison County gun identifications.
I believe these were the guns that Harwood replaced after the county paid for new guns.
Robin Lyles inadvertently caused these jackals to recover them because he was trying to purchase his gun back from Shannon Cooper.
Michael Garrison jumped in and rudely called Lyles on the phone and asked him why he was getting the ATF involved in this. According to Lyles, he never said anything about the ATF. He just wanted to buy back his gun.
Why is Harwood afraid of the ATF?
Buddy Harwood is no different than these contractors and developers. Why do you think these bandits get out here and support him in an election? He even donated money to Alan Wyatt in the commissioner’s race.
Buddy Harwood thinks he can do whatever he wants, take whatever he wants, and give it to his friends because the Church Sheep of Madison County supports his actions, which speaks volumes to these so-called Religious entities.
Remember John Clark, who was fired from Mars Hill Police Department.
Mars Hill police chief fired for policy breach, according to town manager (
Do you know who this guy is? He worked for Buddy when Coy and his group of perverts lured the hookers from Charlotte up to Wolf Laurel in what is known in Madison as the infamous Hooker Hoax.
Undercover prostitution sting lands 16 behind bars in Madison County | WLOS
They brought them in. It was a big lie and hoax by the Madison County Sheriff’s Department Sex Castle. These hookers who had to take their clothes off AFTER they were arrested were encouraged and lured to come to Madison by Buddy-Coy-John Clark and the infamous Colton Fore.
What happened to Colton Fore?
So don’t be surprised that John Clark, who is now back at the Madison County Sheriff’s Department working full time, was actually fired from the Mars Hill Police Department because he took a picture of his anatomy and sent it to a female.

Harwood has him working as a Student Resource Officer. Clark was spotted at the Hot Springs Elementary School. Do you want this guy around your daughters?
Harwood doesn’t care. He only hires the bottom of the barrel. Do you remember when he hired the Felon Janet Messer? Out of sheer embarrassment and citizen outcry, he was forced to fire her.
It didn’t take long for her to be arrested again; see below

If you are a respected, morally sound Sheriff, you don’t hire the sludge.
But that is all that will work for Harwood and Company…
Isn’t it amazing that Harwood and Coy Phillips investigate and arrest the pedophiles and perverts at the school, yet they hire the perverts and druggies to work for them? It is just Priceless…
Sheriff: Madison High band teacher charged with taking indecent liberties with a student (
But it is also priceless that Superintendent Will Hoffman and his school administration can help investigate a sex act going on under their nose at a school, yet they can’t be bothered to remove ongoing porn from their Middle School Website on Facebook!
Hoffman even made these statements to Casey in the above article: “We take student safety very seriously, and we will continue to cooperate and work hand-in-hand with the Sheriff Department’s investigation into this matter.” Mr. Hoffman, do you not think it is detrimental to Student Safety to remove porn from YOUR FACEBOOK PRESENCE?
Here it is in part. It has progressively worsened and has been on this Middle school Facebook website since early November.

But hey, we are paying them well; see below a partial list of their salaries.
More is coming after Christmas, so stay tuned…
As you can see, All is not well in Madison County, our Country, and the World.
Take a short break enjoy your Christmas and get yourselves rested and focused we have a big fight coming.
And remember why we celebrate Christmas – CH
Throughout human history, the Lord has accomplished the miraculous under the cover of night.
There are bound to be times when we can’t understand what God is doing or feel our lives are engulfed in the darkness of despair, difficulty, or suffering.
Yet even then, we have the assurance that just as He has worked to achieve His perfect will throughout history,
He’s also working in our darkness to accomplish His good purpose in our lives.
When life seems mysterious, all we have to do is remember that to God, “the night is as bright as the day” (Psalm 139:12).
He sees, and nothing is beyond His control.