There is more good than evil in this world, and when good men and women fight for what is right, evil will disappear into the darkness where it belongs.
You can’t hide your lying eyes…
You can’t hide your lying eyes…

You can’t hide your lying eyes…

Eyes Wide Open…

“The wicked plot against the godly; they snarl at them in defiance. But the Lord just laughs, for he sees their day of judgment coming.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:12-13‬ ‭

The Globalists had to kill off as many as possible because these monsters are afraid of you!
Too bad for the Deep State because the Patriots fought back and informed the public.

Below a blockbuster documentary lays out the COVID lie like none other. Uninformed Consent tells the story of how friends, neighbors, employers, and family have been turned against each other due to government policies demonizing individuals for their medical choices.
An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, this film explores how this narrative is being used to strip us of our human rights while weaving in the impact of mandates in a compelling story.
Hear the truth from doctors and scientists not afraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the elite class who profit from mandates.

Written & Directed by Todd Harris, Matador Films.

Why do you think they want to censure us?

Because Fascists don’t want you informed, they want you controlled.

The people who pretend to care for our planet are behind this pandemic, the restrictions, and the useless masks.

The World Economic Forum and all its puppets (Gretha included- Marxists -who have infiltrated our county) told us to mask up and follow the rules.

Remember all those who threatened you during this Covid Hoax- Your illegitimate Governor, Roy Cooper – Buddy Harwood – Tammy Cody- Heil Hoffman, and others. Why Good ole Roy- (Buddy Harwood’s friend) has even admitted to extending the NC shutdowns to squeeze more tax revenue dollars for NC. Roy Cooper used his authority to take our freedoms so that he could profit from them…PRICELESS

Don’t ever forget, and now you need to ask why.

Covid was a hoax to coax the sheep to take a vaccine (Bio-Weapon) and to interfere with an election. Because these monsters want power, and you mean nothing to them.

When you doubt the truth and fall to fear, there are consequences…

These Demons even admit they interfered in our election.

From the Epoch Times below:

Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics

By Enrico Trigoso

September 2, 2022 Updated: September 3, 2022

Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings.

Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021.

It’s not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.

“SADS and for all of you in Mars Hill and Marshall is ( Sudden Adult Death Statistics).

SADS is an umbrella term used to describe deaths of otherwise healthy people, usually under 40, after their heart stops beating due to an, often undiagnosed, genetic instability of the heart.”

Charlbi Dean, star of the DC series Black Lightning, DEAD AT 32…

She died at a hospital in New York City…
The South African actress and model passed away yesterday from an unexpected sudden illness…

Her work includes the film “Blood in the Water”…
(The Sun co UK)

Having jabbed everyone with an experimental genetic therapy, they now think you are so mentally retarded that you will believe all these sudden deaths have nothing to do with it!

Keep calling those of us who tried to warn you about these vaccines masks and tests- conspiracy theorists, crazy and dangerous.

Who are the real crazy and dangerous?

When someone calls you a conspiracy theorist, they are really saying they are too lazy to do their own research, and we should trust the government and the media to do it for us; in other words, “Fried Chicken.”

It is time to wake up, and for those of you who pushed this vaccine on others or gave it to your children, may God have mercy on your souls.

Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates? Mystery deaths unexplained


SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 

Emerging statistics paint an alarming picture – far more have died after the rollout of this ‘super potion’ than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Yet the mainstream media are desperately trying to divert your attention from this elephant in the room.


  • Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020
  • Mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection with experimental gene transfer technology — to anything and everything but that
  • The Telegraph blames the unexplained excess deaths on lockdown effects. Many didn’t have access to routine medical care during lockdowns, and are now dying from chronic diseases that went untreated
  • U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS) data released August 16, 2022, show excess deaths in England and Wales were, as of August 5, 14.4% higher than the five-year average, which works out to 1,350 more deaths per week than normal. A majority of these excess deaths were cardiovascular in nature — a primary adverse effect of the COVID jabs
  • In the U.S., we lost 349,000 younger Americans to something besides COVID and non-natural death between April 3, 2021 and August 13, 2022, and that’s not counting the tens of thousands of death records that the CDC has inexplicably deleted. As much as 15% to 25% of the death reports that could indicate a COVID jab death are missing. Other data show that during the fall of 2021, Millennials, aged 25 to 44, had an 84% increase in excess deaths


More proof is below if you dare to think for yourselves.

Ten thousand people A DAY are killed by covid vaccines.

Thursday, August 18, 2022, by: Mike Adams

Covid vaccines are currently killing an estimated 10,000 people a day worldwide, with total fatalities likely in the 5 – 12 million range. These numbers come from rigorous analysis of mortality data (excess deaths) following the introduction of covid vaccines in early 2021. Because excess deaths are very difficult for governments to hide, these excess deaths are emerging as the smoking gun for overall vaccine deaths.

Steve Kirsch estimates that one person is currently dead from vaccines for every 1,000 doses administered. In the United States, roughly 600 million doses have been administered so far (yes, more than one for every person in the country), roughly equating to about 600,000 deaths in the USA (and counting).

Worldwide, with over 12 billion doses administered, we have likely seen around 12 million deaths so far.

More conservative estimates put that number at 5 million rather than 12 million, but in either case it’s in the millions globally.

Why are the deaths going to continue to climb even if the vaccines are halted right now

Importantly, we know that post-vaccine deaths are distributed over time. While a few people die in the first 48 hours, many deaths are taking place many months or even a year or two after the vaccine injections. Why is this happening?

Our laboratory tests on vaccine clots may provide meaningful answers. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Jane Ruby and embalmer Richard Hirschman who were able to get me post-vaccine clot samples for laboratory analysis, we have been able to establish several shocking facts about these clots:

Fact #1) The clots grow larger over time inside the body’s circulatory system. This means they are self-assembling systems / bio-machinery.

Fact #2) As they grow larger, they accumulate or harvest certain elements from the circulating blood supply. Via ICP-MS laboratory testing, we have conclusively shown that Tin, Aluminum, and Sodium are being harvested from the blood and incorporated into the structures of the clots.

Fact #3) As the clots grow, they take up more space in the blood vessels. At first, the live blood simply flows around the clots. But clots may be dislodged during rigorous physical activity (such as jogging or playing soccer), or the clots may at some point achieve a 100% blockage of the artery, resulting in a “died suddenly” event.

Importantly, it appears that these clots take many months or even a year or two to grow to sufficient size to fully block blood vessels and arteries.

This means the deaths observed so far are only a fraction of the deaths yet to come.

In other words, many people who took these jabs are ticking time bombs of inevitable cardiovascular blockage and death.

It’s only a matter of time before the clots grow larger enough to halt blood flow. Once blood flow to the brain is halted, death ensues in a matter of a few minutes.

These are not blood clots, and anti-clotting drugs do nothing to resolve these clots

To our knowledge, there is no known cure to dissolve or remove these clots from the cardiovascular system. We have interviewed physicians who have attempted to treat these clots with powerful anti-clotting medications such as Heparin, and these drugs achieve nothing.

That’s because these clots are not blood clots. They are elastic, rugged biostructures that resemble the strength and texture of rubber bands. I have manipulated these clots on live broadcast streaming (via the Alex Jones Show) where, under a lab microscope, I demonstrated the shocking strength and resilience of these clot structures. Again, they are not blood clots. They are strong, rubbery-like protein biostructures that absolutely do not belong in the human body.

Under a microscope, they look like this, which is nothing like a blood clot:

In addition, as we have conclusively shown via ICP-MS lab tests, these clots are almost completely lacking the key elements of life that would be present in blood, such as Iron, Magnesium and Potassium.

ElementBlood ResultsClot Results
Mg (magnesium)35 ppm1.7 ppm
K (potassium)1893 ppm12.5 ppm
Fe (iron)462 ppm20.6 ppm
Zn (zinc)7.9 ppm2.4 ppm
Cl (chlorine)930,000 ppm290,000 ppm
P (phosphorous)1130 ppm4900 ppm

Post-vaccine clot deaths are likely to continue mounting for years to come

What all this means is that post-vaccine clot deaths are going to continue mounting for years to come as the clots expand in size inside people’s bodies. While 1 in 1000 people may be dead already, there could conceivably by another 9 in 1000 who are going to die from clots as they continue to expand, reaching perhaps 10 in 1000 who ultimately die (or 1 in 100).

In other words, in a world where 12 billion vaccine injections have been administered, we could see 120 million deaths (or more).

The thing is, we don’t yet know:

  • In what percentage of vaccine recipients the clots are growing.
  • How quickly the clots are growing.
  • Whether the clots ever stop growing, or what causes them to stop.
  • Whether anything can reverse the clot growth and reduce or eliminate the clots.

There are plenty of theories on all these questions, but to my knowledge, we don’t have anything conclusive yet. The situation is worsened by the fact that the entire medical establishment outright refuses to even acknowledge the existence of these clots, nor will they admit to any link whatsoever between vaccines and excess mortality. Thus, the genocidal cover-up continues, and people will continue to die for years to come.

Covid vaccines have created a “vaccine holocaust” that’s only going to get worse

Given up to 12 million deaths right now, we are already seeing Holocaust-scale mass death from these vaccines. This vaccine holocaust is going to get far worse. Where the Nazi Holocaust reportedly claimed the lives of six million victims, this vaccine holocaust could conceivably kill sixty million, or even ten times that over time. Consider this when you see media reports touting “annual mRNA injections” now being ramped up by the vaccine manufacturers. They want to hit you with one of these shots every year until you die. Anybody gullible enough to keep taking these clot shots will surely die sooner than they had imagined, especially when they stupidly believed the shots were protecting them rather than exterminating them.

Global depopulation, it turns out, has been remarkably easy to achieve. They didn’t need mass ovens, prison camps and a shooting war with the people. All they needed was to release a bioweapon and scare people into taking death shots (euthanasia labeled “vaccines”) and wait for the gullible masses to line up and take the jabs.

Some groups — such as LGBT — have achieved over 95% vaccine compliance and are begging for even more vaccines due to monkey pox. This particular demographic, as you can tell, has no future on planet Earth since they are eliminating themselves from the planet. But the same is also true for many church groups, conservatives and medical professionals who were gullible enough to take these jabs. That’s why so many doctors are falling over dead in recent months, and there’s a whole lot more of that yet to be witnessed.

The ending is not for everyone; my hope is you wake up before it is too late…CH