There were signs inside and out with “Vote for Mark Snelson at the bottom; it said supported by French Broad Board of Directors.”
Did French Broad EMC pay for these, which means we, the members?
When the actual meeting started, FBEMC read some minutes and approved them. Jeff Loven gave a speech bragging about how his bandits had accomplished so much and how hard the board and employees worked.
Not once did any of this bunch acknowledge Joe Justice, who was retiring from his seat as PRESIDENT of the French Broad EMC’s Board of directors.
None of these directors asked the family how Joe was doing, maybe because he was no longer needed.
This is the Loven plan which is why Harwood and his Sheriff’s department was involved in the ballot harvesting at this meeting and election.
There was no chain of custody with this vote on Saturday. Just Like in a third-world country, you drop these ballots into a big black collection box, and boom, they come out the opposite on the other side.
These are the same tactics that were done in the 2020 election. You might add the 2022 election to that; how many ballots did Buddy harvest in these elections?
Voters went in, showed their proxies, and then FRENCH BROAD EMC employees verified eligibility and handed blank voting ballots to vote. There were no identifications on all these ballots, so anyone could have grabbed hundreds of them and dropped them into the big black collection box. A fifth grader could have printed these ballots off.
- A company named “Voting Solutions” from Michigan and whose machines are from Minnesota -(this is what they told the Haynie camp); no such company is listed anywhere with this name- Is this Dominion? You put Michigan and Minnesota together, and what do you get -Voter fraud?
- First time in history, Jeff Loven ordered all Employees to be at the high school early to vote before the members. What labor law gives an employer the right to order its employees to vote? Especially proxies which could keep the employer employed? Would the EEOC or labor wage and hour division be interested in this?
- Handicap drive-up ballot harvesting, the first time in the history of FBEMC. You can’t make this up; it gets better.
- Secret voting in the back, which no one except French Broad could monitor; Paula Seay -Loven’s personal secretary, and husband of Little Ricky of WHBK, was seen going in and out of this secret room, along with a strange man.
- No chain of custody was in place for these ballots. Just a big black box and French Broad employees involved in the counting.
- Sheriff Harwood’s armed bandits at every exit and two consistently around French Broad EMC’s chief counsel Jamie Stokes. Was this for protection? Why does Stokes need protection? We, the members, are the ones that need protection from her and FBEMC. What fake drama by these Reprobates. Does this mean FBEMC and its employees are afraid of those they claim to serve?
- Greg Fowler was repeatedly caught telling members with concerns about their proxies that they (being FBEMC) had to follow the rules. How Priceless… they are following their rules – Right, if they were following their rules, Mark Snelson would not be on the ballot reference FBEMC by-laws 5.15- Folks, I hope you understand how serious this is that they broke the rules in their bylaws to get Snelson on the ballot more on that in a minute…
All of these voters coming in at the high school on Saturday were Scott Haynie supporters; They were regular people, not the country club crowd of Madison. These folks were not supporting Snelson. Heck. Only Larry Leake, Brooke Lunsford, Cameron Gunter, that weirdo Ernie Ramsey, and add Alan Wood Pile Wyatt was seen talking to him; nice company, huh?
French Broad EMC set up the voting to manipulate the ballot process. They make it difficult, so you will not participate; this is how they keep themselves in power and drive the profits into their private coffers for their friends, board members, and employees.
This was done under the oversight of the bookkeeper -Phyllis Holt and Jeff Loven.
Right after the voting ended, Larry Leake and Mark Snelson were observed coming out of the back area where the voting was tabulated.
They both had smiles on their faces; why were they allowed back there when no one on Haynie’s team was allowed anywhere near the voting?
Remember, the place is packed with regular Madison County people wanting to vote for their Board members. These were predominantly Scott Haynie voters.
I sent this email to Greg Fowler after I found out about the results and their amounts; it is as follows:
If you were going to rig a vote by bringing in Dominion voting machines from Michigan, you would think you would have been much smarter.
I had no illusions at the possibility you and your club of bandits would try something because you have no moral standards by which you follow and are so desperate to keep this cabal in place.
Nonetheless, does anyone over there at your castle know how to count?
Statistical numbers don’t lie, but dishonesty does, and there is a remedy.
The truth is by far stronger than these tactics and will prevail.
You gangsters went to a lot of effort to rig a little ole board vote. Looks very suspicious, which says to the public what are you really hiding? -CH
Numerous witnesses stated that everyone was huddled around Scott Haynie and were vocally talking about voting for him. Even Madison County’s five commissioners were present and supported Haynie, so they opined.
The place was packed with more people than they ever had at any board vote in history.
But French Broad EMC Sopranos want you to believe that Scott Haynie only received 900 total votes.
French Broad expects all of us that voted for Scott Haynie to believe that a guy who lost in the last election for county commissioner and only received 16.49 percent of the vote somehow miraculously captured 87 and 1/2 percent of the remaining vote that came in on Saturday.
But there is a remedy- Plan B. In French Broad EMC by-laws SECTION 5.08 Removal of Directors by members.
Any Member may seek the removal of a Director for cause by filing with the Secretary a petition setting forth the grounds for removal signed by at least fifteen percent (15%) of the Cooperative’s Members (“Director Removal Petition”). The petition shall also request the Board to call a Special Member Meeting by resolution under Section 4.02 for the purpose of considering the stated charges.
French Broad By-Laws
As the members of French Broad EMC, we have the grounds and cause to remove Mark Snelson and any other Board Member; it only takes Grass Root Activision and determination. We have to reach co-op members; many don’t realize they have a vote at all.
We have to speak to them and show them why their electric bills are so high- ( salaries -connections, and payoffs). We need these voters to see the lavish helicopters and airplanes owned by these crooks.
The average salary for French Broad Electric Membership Corp employees is around $98,708 per year, or $47 per hour. The highest earners in the top 75th percentile are paid over $111,464. Individual salaries will vary depending on the job, department, and location, as well as the employee’s level of education, certifications, and additional skills.
French Broad EMC – “Big Ten” and its employees are complicit in what happened on Saturday.
This Electric Coop has always used Christ and the church to hide who they are; They carry that cross on their backs as they lie, cheat, and steal to stay in power.
Because they think all Madison County residents are stupid enough to fall for it; remember, they think of you as minions.
That is why they use the churches but what about the churches? Have you ever wondered what is getting put in their teapot?
For all of you in Marshall, pleading no contest means you do not admit guilt for the crime. But you’re not denying the facts of the case. Pleading no contest is the same as pleading guilty. Meaning you will still receive the same punishments or sentencing.
Leake should have lost his bar license at a minimum and NEVER should have ever been awarded a black robe in a judgeship in District Family Court.
Think about this. It is who French Broad EMC are and what they stand for; they do all of this as they go to church every time the door opens. Just like Buddy Harwood, it is a con to make you think they are good and honest.
Michael Garrison coached Harwood into doing this to get him elected Sheriff in Madison County – Don’t ever forget that!
It is amazing how they use the Bible – Gospel Music – How you doing today, Mr and Miss Member, all the while raping their members for sport and undercover.
These Coops throughout America use these same props to con their membership. Most cooperatives’ annual meetings, where the election for the board of directors is held, are more of a festival. Cooperative member-owners dish up plates of food and play gospel music and even give out lightbulbs and goodies for the kids.
It started when a Pedernales member wanted information on upgrading his home with rooftop solar. Finding that the cooperative had no such program, he wanted to talk to the board but couldn’t get board members’ names.
He soon found everything was off-limits to him, from board meetings to utility records.
A scandal ensued when a group of members and local newspapers dug deeper. It turned out that the Pedernales manager was stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the board was deeply complicit and richly compensated.
The board and management were forced out through bad press, pressure from legislators, and lawsuits. Reform candidates were elected.
Water Line: Highway 213
This was done without proper planning. There are only two lanes on 213; you need four lanes for this boondoggle to be installed effectively. But what do you expect when NC legislatures throw grant money at a wall just to get votes?
Now we hear the commissioners have secured an additional sewer line from the great Mark Pless for the other side of the road. What will these Einsteins do when the traffic congestion causes this road to be impassable and an additional lane or two is needed? Dig up both lines and then build a road that should have been built BEFORE you laid any water and sewer lines.
Who pays for this? We do, folks. There is always a backside to any grant.
We are paying for Marshall and Mars Hill’s malfeasance in planning for their future. They are too busy planning for the liquor, bad developers, and fireworks in their cities to be concerned about the taxpayers they serve.
I had a long chat with Mars Hill town manager Nathan Bennett this morning (4-19-2023). Hickory Ridge: D.R. Horton took over the Hickory Ridge development from an original developer who did the initial planning.
Mr. Bennett stated that the only bond for this project would be with the state of N.C. Madison County will do all inspections.
He was unaware of the class action lawsuits against the Horton group.
Water and sewer line:Mr. Bennett indicated that this project has been in the planning stages for a while. I presume that it goes back about four years which means the democrat commissioners had a hand in developing it.
It was republicans Wechtel and Garrison who got Pless and Hise to get the legislature to pass a bill for the $11 million in funding as you know.
From the get go, there was no input on this project from the town of Mars Hill and manager Bennett presumes Marshall also.This is a county project. We both agreed that the towns should have had an early input. They are now being brought into the process.
These two towns have to work out details on water access once it leaves their town limits. Manager Bennett attaches annexation to water and sewer expansion. He indicated the town of Mars Hill has no desire to annex a great distance on 213 toward Marshall.
Mr. Bennett indicated that Mars Hill can manage its own sewage. (Garrison has stated that Marshall has sewage treatment facilities and Mars Hill doesn’t, hence the need to run a sewer line from Mars Hill to Marshall.) He states that sewer projects are terribly
expensive.He envisions Mars Hill’s sewer line to be extended to Blue Ridge Funeral Home and no further than Bull Creek. I estimate that to be about 1.5 miles. He believes that Marshall will probably extend theirs to the FBEMC property.
Tony Ponder
Since Jack Wallin’s death, the town has written several articles in the Weekly Wiper about him, stating how great thou art.
Built a gaudy shrine to him and has continued to shove Ottis into the face of the public.
I think this Democrat hogwash is a political stunt designed to help candidate Mary Jane Wallin in her 2024 bid to keep her Register of Deeds seat, just like FBEMC propping up Harwood.
What did Ottis ever do worthy of an elected official?
- Name three things Jack did to better Marshall
- Name three ways he improved Marshall’s bottom line
- Name three ways that Jack effectively managed town equipment
- Name three ways Jack improved the lives of Marshall residents.
- Name three strategies Jack had for growing Marshall.
- Name three ways Jack United the community and brought constituents closer together.