You lose your first amendment than you will have no second. Your right to speak is the bedrock of George Mason’s Bill of Rights; without the Bill of Rights, you have no Constitution…
In the past few weeks, Congress has made antisemitism illegal. Demanded anti-Israel protesters be arrested and banned from flying. They illegally banned TikTok at Israel’s request because video footage of Israeli genocide was being viewed in America. Congress gave $100 billion to Israel and Ukraine for wars they can’t win. Congress approved warrantless spying on Americans and approved $3.5 billion aid for illegal immigrants. Yet they have done nothing for the American people.
There is no difference between these two parties. The Democrat party is a stage four woke cancer, and the Republican Party is a chronic uncurable disease. We need a third party, and we need money out of politics.
Want to know why all these Politicians including Trump are bowing to their Zionist Masters, because folks, the money is good Pickens for greedy individuals who crave power.
Which speaks volumes to the souls of these political individuals who sell out America, its people and God for their own profit.
Why is Israel allowed to infiltrate our elections with millions of dollars without being registered as a foreign agent?
Israel’s lobbying group is AIPAC who is AIPAC’S biggest donor?
Conservatives went from challenging the establishment to marching in lockstep with them.
Sheldon Adelson is Trumps and the Republican Partys biggest donor.
Conservatives went from fighting against the military-industrial complex to parroting their talking points. All in some weak attempt to own the left. They seem angrier with a bunch of college students sitting in tents than they are with their government for screwing them over at this point.
The Republicans and their media allies like to spend their time endlessly reminding you that the anti-Israel protesters aren’t on your side.
But people who pass unconstitutional hate speech laws, send billions of our tax dollars to foreign countries, and do nothing to secure the southern borders are on our side?

Including the inept Mark Robinson candidate for NC governor and the NC Republican legislature. Robinson would be the biggest embarrassment this state ever had if he were elected. He is nothing more than a Hedonistic Fascist parading around as a Godly man…

Amazing how the Republican Party has morphed into the Democrat Party…
Latest Below on Robinson and his financial missteps. Is he fit to be governor of NC?
Look at this Southern War Monger beauty below the great Senator of South Carolina. A pathetic image of a senator…
Lindsey Graham’s outburst on “Meet the Depressed”
Notice the deliberate wording he used: “Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state.”
It’s this precise detail that continuously gets lost in the shuffle. The war in Gaza isn’t about defending Israeli lives per se- regardless of what these people tell you, they’re not worried about wanton slaughter ensuing. The war is about protecting the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, not protecting Israel as the “only democracy in the Middle East.”
Since when does America fight religious wars? American tax dollars have no business funding religious wars. Whether or not Israel exists as a “Jewish state” should not be relevant to this discussion in America.
And yet, it’s the only thing people like Graham care about. His guiding principles are quite literally contrary to America’s foundational principles.
At a different time, based on this little outburst, he would be removed from office immediately and tried for treason…

It’s become clear they are not here to serve us…
There are a lot of Christian Zionists still defending Israel as God’s “chosen people” and say the Bible proves and states all Israel will be saved. They wrongly identify the Jewish nation as all of Israel. First off, very few Jews today can prove that they are from the Tribe of Judah.
The Israelites named in the Bible are NOT Israel of today. God’s promises to Abraham were to all of his descendants, including his firstborn son Ishmael, who is the forefather of the Arab nations. They have just as much, if not more, validity to live on the lands God promised to Abraham because they can prove that they are Semites and also Hebrews.
Every single Prime Minister of Israel has had a fake name. Does Bibi look like a Hebrew to you? That is because he is not, he is a Polack.
His real name is Mileikowsky.
We are all equals before God. He shows no favor, and there is no such thing as God’s chosen people. We are all his people, even if there are people who believe in a God or not.
Zionist indoctrination over the past 100 years has blinded Christians to excuse the State of Israel of any wrongdoings, including this current genocide on Palestinians who are being robbed of their homeland.
The Scofield Study Bible played a significant part in the late 1800’s by distorting Scripture. Modern-day Pastors with enormous followings like John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Tim Lahaye, Greg Locke, Joel Osteen, Joni Lamb of Daystar, Billy and Franklin Graham live off their followers and serve their Zionist masters, not their congregations or Christianity.
Darby trained Scofield both were Zionists who worked for the Rothchilds. Scofield borrowed his biblical analysis from John Nelson Darby, the principal figure. Darby was a Satanist, Freemason, and agent of the Rothschild-owned British East India Company. Darby’s family-owned Leap Castle, renowned as the most sinister and occultic castle in Ireland’s history. Darby became a leader of a Christian sect called the Plymouth Brethren. He is generally credited with originating the “Secret Rapture” doctrine and made several trips to America to spread his “vaccine” of heresies.

Leap Castle
Darby slyly introduced satanic wording into the biblical text. For example, in the King James rendering of John 6:69, Peter told Jesus: “And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” Darby rendered this: “And we have believed and known that thou art the holy one of God.” In the King James, “Holy one of God” is a title for Jesus used only by demons.
In 1897, Theodore Herzl began hosting the Rothschild-backed Zionist congresses in Switzerland, developing the plan for a Zionist takeover of Palestine. On August 29, 1897, Herzl predicted that there would be a Jewish state within fifty years. And that would have been 1947. Knowing this scheme would require Christian approval, Herzl approached Pope Pius X in 1904, who politely told him where he could stick his plan. After being rejected by the Catholics, the Rothschilds schemed to get protestant support by tampering with the Bible to make it appear God himself had ordained Jews to retake Palestine. Such a Bible needed to come from a non-Jew, someone with credentials as a theologian. Thus emerged Cyrus Scofield and his reference to the Bible.
Scofield started as a crooked Kansas lawyer and politician. In 1881, the Atchison Globe reported: “C. I. Schofield [sic], who was appointed United States District Attorney for Kansas in 1873 turned out worse than any other Kansas official, is now a Campbellite preacher in Missouri. His wife and two children live in Atchison. He contributes nothing to their support except good advice.”
That same year, the Topeka Daily Capital published this:
“Cyrus I. Schofield [sic], formerly of Kansas, late lawyer, politician and shyster generally, has come to the surface again, and promises once more to gather around himself that halo of notoriety that has made him so prominent in the past. The last personal knowledge that Kansans have had of this peer among scalawags, was when about four years ago, after a series of forgeries and confidence games, he left the state and a destitute family and took refuge in Canada. For a time, he kept undercover, nothing being heard of him until within the past two years when he turned up in St. Louis, where he had a wealthy widowed sister living who has generally come to the front and squared up Cyrus’ little follies and foibles by paying good round sums of money. Within the past year, however, Cyrus committed a series of St. Louis forgeries that could not be settled so easily, and the erratic young gentleman was compelled to linger in the St. Louis jail for a period of six months.”
Topeka Daily Capital
This rot above is what translated many of your bibles. Do you honestly think God would want our country involved in killing women and children in Gaza? It is our tax dollars and US bombs which are falling on these people. If you stand with Israel, you stand with evil this is not of God…
Gaza, as can be seen on the map, was never part of any Israelite or Judean kingdom.
Biblical Israel and the State of Israel are not the same…

Do you think this little girl and the little boy are a threat to Israel? Bibi Netanyahu, Sean Hannity, Lindsey Graham and Fox News does, they think all of the women and children of Gaza need to be killed in order to save Israel. Do you?
Just because these children are Middle Eastern doesn’t mean they should be eradicated off of Gods earth to appease Israel and its evil Zionists…
Over the weekend Israel massacred 45 people who were sheltering in tents in protected Rafah
ISRAEL FLAG HIDDEN MEANING Do you know what the two blue bands symbolize? They represent the two rivers, the Nile and the Euphrates. See the map below. This is the area of the so-called “Greater Israel.” This is the Zionists’ goal. They will never stop their wars until they reach it.

Right on Q here comes Demon Nikki Haley who scribbles “Finish Them” on missiles to fire into Rafah- a refugee camp in Gaza. This woman is a nut!
The whole Republican Party are Hedonists and Fascists!
Biden provided the shells, Republicans autograph them. The US political class is united in its complicity with this genocide.
All bought and paid for by the Zionists of Israel…

The Republican Party has become the McCarthy Party of boot lickers who are standing up for Genocide. Folks, you can’t make this up …
These protesters, these students, and faculty who the abusive law enforcement arrested and roughed up have done more to bring attention to how corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle are than anyone on the right has from their podcast cubicles.
Why are these Republicans and Democrats so afraid of speech? Are they incapable of reasoning or discussing the merits or are they afraid of the truth? What do you bet- it’s the truth that scares the hell out of them.
History DID NOT begin on October 7th the Israelis have been terrorizing Palestinians from the beginning simply to steal their land.
- 1937 Haifa Massacre
- 1937 Jerusalem Massacre
- 1939 Balad al-Sheikh Massacre
- 1939 Haifa Massacre
- 1947 Haifa Massacre
- 1947 Abbasiya Massacre
- 1947 Al-Khisas Massacre
- 1947 Bab al-Amud Massacre
- 1947 Jerusalem Massacre
- 1947 Sheikh Burek Massacre
- 1948 Jaffa Massacre
- 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre
- 1948 Tantura Massacre
- 1956 Khan Yunis Massacre
- 1967 Jerusalem Massacre
- 1972 Bahro Al Baquar
- 1982 Sabra and Shatila Massacre
- 1990 Al Aqsa Mosque Massacre
- 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre
- 2002 Jenin Refugee Camp
- 2008-2009 Gaza Massacre
- 2012 Gaza Massacre
- 2014 Gaza Massacre
- 2018-2019 Gaza Massacre
- 2021 Gaza Massacre
Who are the real oppressors and terrorists? Even Billy Graham knew what Israel and its Zionists were, yet he chose to be a coward in the face of God and our nation. After these tapes were released below to the public in 2002 Graham feebly apologized to Jewish Leaders!
Two weeks after this recorded conversation Watergate happened yet nothing happened to dear old Billy Graham which speaks volumes…
Two weeks after JFK announced he was moving forward to force Israel to register under US foreign Agents Registration Act he was murdered..

And President Trump says he is going to make America great again, but for whom? For his Zionist family and friends? Don’t forget his son in law Jared Kushner purchased Gaza bombed land on the Mediterranean from Israel just recently.
Trump has turned on his base and his America First agenda- Why?
Is it because of the Lawfare inflicted on him from sleezy Joe Biden and the DOJ?
President Trump in New York yesterday being prosecuted in a witch trial with a mentally ill prosecutor Alvin Bragg and psychotic inept Judge Merchan. This is election interference and an atrocity of the law at a minimum.
Judge Merchan in jury instructions told the jury that they do not need unanimity to convict. Four could agree on one crime, Four on a different one, and the other Four on another. He said he would treat 4-4-4 as a unanimous verdict.
This is egregious and unconstitutional in every respect but, what do you expect out of these Marxists they are literally too incompetent to do their jobs. Their hate rules them! Which has no place in government or on a bench.
This corrupt judge needs to be removed immediately…

Trump let this Judge have it today which is so Priceless and Deserving…

Judge Merchan has ruled against him again and again. Finally Donald Trump lost his temper and said, “What a moron!” The judge, flushed with anger, shouted, “$1,000 fine!” “$1,000 dollars?!” Trump said. “I said three words.” “Those three words were contempt of court,” the judge said, “and that’s a $1,000 fine.” Mr. Trump got out his wallet and started looking through it. Thinking there’s been a misunderstanding, Judge Merchan calmed down a bit and said, “you don’t have to pay now.” Mr. Trump, “No, I’m just checking to see if I have enough cash on me for two more words…. just two more!”
President Trump
Please listen to Professor Jeffery Sachs below, understand that if you lose your right to speak you lose all rights. We must protect the First Amendment, or our way of life ends…
We are country that is run by a foreign nation Israel

In the last few weeks two assassination attempts One in Slovakia and one possibly on the President of Iran and his foreign minister who were killed; not to mention the US CIA was involved in an attempted Coup d’etat in Congo.
Can we go one week without trying to start World War III? The Left will do anything to thwart this election.
- Weeks ago- Iran’s consulate embassy was attacked in Syria just weeks ago killing top officials
- May 7th: Assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince.
- May 13th: Turkish President Erdoğan holds an emergency meeting following a warning of a possible military coup.
- May 15th: An assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico.
- May 16th: Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vučić.
- Iran’s ambassador to Russia stated that Iran and Russia were working to create a single BRICS currency. The Central Bank of Iran is 100% owned by the State.
- May 19th: On “This Week” Victoria Nuland – friend of Hillary Clinton states the US should bomb Russia
- May 19th: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman was hospitalized for the second time in four weeks.
- May 19th: Three Americans are accused of being involved in a failed coup attempt in Congo that left multiple people dead
- May 19th: Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian are killed
Are you smelling the pungent odor of Mossad and CIA here folks?

Three Americans are accused of being involved in a failed coup attempt in Congo that left multiple people dead.
According to the Democratic Republic of Congo military, they stopped an attempted coup near the presidential palace. Among the 50 people who were involved were three Americans who have been arrested.
A passport for one of these Americans is now spreading online, a 36-year-old U.S. citizen born in Maryland. (WaPo) US ambassador to Congo, Lucy Tamlyn has acknowledged the involvement of US citizens in a recent statement.
The coup was allegedly led by US-based Congolese politician Christian Malanga. He was killed at the presidential palace after he resisted arrest.
Collin Rugg
Thomas Massie is one of only Nine in Congress who does not accept AIPAC- ZIONIST money. AIPAC pumped over $400,000 dollars into Massie’s opponents’ primary race in KY. Still KY Patriots came out in droves to support Massie, who won by over 70%
The country is in serious trouble our military is just a remnant of what it used to be. Israel is trying to draw us into its Genocidal war and our leaders are on board.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor spells it out below time to pay attention:
Denial is not just a river folks, wake up get prepared and stay close to home. The dung is about to hit the fan…
Speaking of dung-County News…

The Biscuit Wheels are coming off the Gravy Train…
Two weeks ago, the illustrious Coy Phillips of Madison County Sheriff’s Department Sex Castle announced he was making a public service announcement “LIVE” to the public on Facebook. Since when does a lackey give a public service announcement?

Phillips sent this out at 3:15 AM, which begs the question of whether he was in a drug-induced coma when this narcissistic moron hit send.
Needless to say, it is very unprofessional and speaks volumes to what is happening at the Sheriff’s Department.
What is even more comical is his urgent announcement:

Morally and Ethically Bound-Coy Phillips doesn’t even understand the meaning of these two words!
Coy Phillips doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself the bottom-line folks is he is on two payrolls full time in this county. One in Madison the other with Mars Hill. He cannot legally work full time in Madison and work full time in Mars Hill without an Interlocal agreement in place.
Madison County Commissioners are allowing this to happen; this is precisely why a full audit is needed at the Sheriff’s Department
In essence Buddy Harwood and Coy Phillips and the town of Mars Hill are screwing the taxpayers of Madison County and violating NC law. But what do you expect when you have two incompetents working for Madison as oversite -Donny Laws and Mandy Bradley who are in charge and running the County Government.
Mandy Bradley’s salary has doubled since she was hired and so has Donny Laws. Donny Laws screws up the Asphalt permit application and then we taxpayers have to pay him to bail us out of it. You can’t make this stuff up; it is how bad Madison County Government is.
Rod Homer Honeycutt refers to Mandy Bradley as his buddy, think about this for a second, is this appropriate to call a female subordinate your buddy?
What is going on at those county offices?
Folks lets be frank about this overtime accusation for a minute. Many of you pass the county offices several times a day on the bypass how many cars are out front after 5:00 PM on any given day?
Do you honestly trust those morally and ethically bound coppers to tell the truth about overtime?
I don’t remember Coy or Buddy being concerned about Jim Cruzan or other deputy’s years ago when they asked for their comp pay?
Cruzan’s back pay was over $4000.00 dollars, and it was never paid and Coy never did a Public Service Announcement for him.
In fact, Coy and Buddy made sure Jim Cruzan never received his earned pay. Cruzan made several attempts even in public meetings to get his money- Crickets.
But it wasn’t crickets when Buddy tried to bully Marla Gouge into handing over more hourly cash to him through his department. Harwood reacted as Mobster thug when he didn’t get what he wanted. Harwood sent out a disparaging email attacking Gouge because she had in the past notified his illustrious law enforcement over domestic violence.
Harwood put this in an email to county officials and others to embarrass Marla. This was an illegal act and disgusting but it is what Harwood – Garrison and Phillips are known for in their morally ethically bound Sex Castle called Madison County Sheriff’s Department.
Gouge should have taken this to the state and contacted EEOC and then she should have hired a good attorney and sued Madison County Sheriff’s Department.
I assume she adheres to the mantra I have heard reverberated for years in this County ” But this is how it has always been.”
Do you understand how sad this sounds all I can say is; this county has truly morphed into its own Hillbilly Elegy.
You allow these bullies to dictate and control you for their own benefit…
The county has money problems, the coffer doesn’t have the sales tax revenue it had last year, and it has a boondoggle called- (Land deferment) or Agricultural Welfare which has never been audited to the toon of over one half a billion dollars.
You cannot have something this egregious hanging over your county and be able to truly balance your budget. There are people still on this Deferment List who no longer own property in Madison County.
How did that happen?
It appears this money owed in the deferment process was not collected by the tax office or the Register of Deeds.
But by all means keep hiring incompetent people for these positions because we taxpayers love having to pay for their ineptitude. Also, the state auditor found some issues in grant allocations which Madison County received boy I can’t wait to see those crocodile tears out of these department heads when a spending discrepancy shows up on the books again.
The budget Madison County will provide next month will not be economically supported and don’t let them lie to you about it. Madison County has in the past manipulated the numbers to justify their spending and the growing of government and they will do it again.
This budget to be offered up by Rod Honeycutt will be a sham because instead of curtailing the spending to match their revenues they allow Kari Ledford to manipulate the numbers. Honeycutt is not qualified to be a County Manager he has no background to reign in this fraud.
Folks, for crying out loud he is X- Military.
Have you seen any of these County Commissioners reign in their spending? Absolutely not they are building Government instead and padding their pockets and their Republican Developer Dung of Mars Hill.
Which brings me to my next segment. Madison County Commissioners and the Republican Party only serve and care about the needs of Mars Hill …
Read below this farce of a committee consisting of Mandy Bradley and Rod Honeycutt who do not pay taxes in this county are recommending scraping the 50-foot setback to appease their invested interests.
Not to accommodate the citizens of Madison and to protect their property values. Basically, these reprobates have spit in your eye.
This is what happens when you hire idiots into these positions, they are the commissioner’s manipulated clowns, and they pay them well with your tax dollars.
Remember Russell Blevins shows up on the “Agricultural Welfare” in this county along with Jeremy Hensley and his wife.
County Salaries below; Honeycutt made sure he upped his after I posted that Forrest Gilliam was making more than he. Honeycutt and the commissioners have raised Bradley’s and Ledford’s salaries substantially. Was this a payoff for being good buddies?
This PRR took several attempts to get which speaks volumes and raises questions to what they are trying to hide…
MARSHALL – Madison County’s Ridge Top Subcommittee, composed of five members of the county Planning Board, stressed its intentions to move deliberately in drafting its recommendations to send back to the Planning Board.
In its first special meeting May 24, the subcommittee, comprised of Madison County Planning Board members Daniel Rice, Lee Wilde, Clayton Honeycutt and Planning Board Chair Jered Silver, met with Development Services Director Brad Guth and Assistant to the County Manager Mandy Bradley at the county commissioners’ Marshall offices.
In the meeting, the board laid out its goals and main talking points, and determined that in addition to the Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance, which Madison County formed in 2010 that includes a 50-foot setback requirement for building on ridge tops 3,000 feet and higher, the subcommittee plans to beef up regulation of its subdivisions.
In the Planning Board’s May 21 meeting, it granted a building permit to the homeowner at 32 Hickory Ridge Drive, located in the Seven Glens subdivision on the border of Madison and Buncombe Counties. The project will go before the Madison County Board of Adjustment on May 28, where the applicant will seek a 25-foot variance to the Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance’s 50-foot setback requirement.
“Subdivisions are the main offender here,” Honeycutt said in that May 21 meeting. “That’s the one that everyone’s going to see just constantly.”
As pointed out by Guth, the Seven Glens home, which will be the second Seven Glens home to go before the Board of Adjustment in which the owner is seeking a setback variance came before the Planning Board because the Seven Glens development was established prior to the Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance’s 2010 foundation.
“That lot was subdivided before the ordinance was in place, so they didn’t have to meet the minimum lot size, which is 2 acres, but they still have to meet the setback, which is why they’re going to the Board of Adjustment for a variance,” Guth said of the May 21 meeting.
Silver and Honeycutt pointed to subdivisions such as Seven Glens and Wolf Laurel and numerous lots in those developments being smaller than the 2-acre minimum lot size put in place in the 2010 Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance.
“Seven Glens is a good example, Wolf Laurel is a really good example,” Silver said.
The Board of Adjustment approved the first Seven Glens project in its January meeting, the first project that was approved for a setback variance after the Planning Board recommended in December to scrap the 50-foot setback requirement in response to an application from Russell Blevins, who owns both sides of a ridge at Mountain Park in Mars Hill.
To avoid this scenario in the future, the subcommittee discussed the possibility of including a box to check off on the building applications to indicate whether the development site was established prior to 2010.
The subcommittee did allow public comment, and Blevins was one of three attendees who spoke during the public comments period, where he reiterated his stance that because he owns both sides of the ridge, he should be able to build on top of the ridge, where he feels is his most stable building ground.
The subcommittee members agreed with Blevins.
“If an individual that owns however many acres wants to build a house with the normal setbacks of 20 feet, that’s not what we’re really worried about,” Silver said. “That group of people should be able to build their house without this affecting them.”
Barbara Fant owns a ridge in Spring Creek and said she felt building on ridge tops was like “putting lipstick on a pig.”
“It is a fool’s mission to build on a ridgeline above 3,000 feet,” Fant said. “To build above 3,000 feet, you have to be able to withstand a wind of 120 miles per hour.”
The group said it ultimately agreed with keeping in place the majority of the components of the Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance, except for the 50-foot setback requirement, which board members said they would like to see changed.
Wilde said the group agrees with the majority of the regulation in the Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance, including the 20-foot property line setback, the 35-foot maximum building height and the maximum 25% lot clearance.
As it’s laid out in county ordinances, if the ridge is not the property line, there is a 20-foot setback requirement.
As for a timeline, the subcommittee members said it would like to meet weekly so as to bring the recommendations to the Planning Board’s July meeting for a vote.
Subdivision, ridge top overlay district regulation
Honeycutt drafted a list of recommendations in a “ridge top overlay district” in the Madison County Subdivision Control Ordinance.
In the draft recommendations, Honeycutt listed a number of a recommendations for the lots that are at 3,000 feet and higher, including establishing a rear lot line and regulating a minimum lot size of 3.5 acres, as a suggestion for a framework.
Currently, county ordinances regulate a 2-acre minimum lot size. While Honeycutt’s recommendations list a 3.5-acre minimum as a suggestion, Wilde advocated for bumping the 2-acre minimum lot size to a 4-acre minimum.
Honeycutt said he’d like to see the rear lot line maximum raised, so as to “spread those houses out.”
The 25% lot clearing is a bit more difficult to enforce, Honeycutt said.
“Our topography is such that there’s not a box that everything fits in,” Honeycutt said. “The majority of good developments, good subdivisions, the kind of subdivisions we want to see in our county, they would adopt most of this in their HOA.”
Silver and Honeycutt both said they’ve built houses in a number of subdivisions, and added that many subdivisions’ HOAs are stricter than the current county ordinances.
“Ultimately, the goal is to spread houses out,” Honeycutt said in the subcommittee’s discussion of rear lot lines and suggestions of setbacks.
“Let’s make the least impact that we can.”
The Madison County Planning Board’s Ridge Top Subcommittee will hold its next special meeting May 31 at 12:30 p.m. at the Marshall library, located at 1335 N. Main St.
Johnny Casey-Asheville Citizen Times
Are these Commissioners and their hacks scraping this protection setback to help Matt Wechtel and his subdivision “Seven Glens and Jered Silver and Alan Wyatt’s employment ventures?” This is a poster child for Criminal Graft. You don’t let this Hillbilly Deep State get away with this you fight them that is if you care – Go to the meeting it is tomorrow night.
This County can be sued for what they have done in the process of implementing their indemnifying of your property values and they know it. CH
Fascinating video below for all you Thinkers not consumable for the Sheep…