As we prepare for Christmas, I am reminded of how the entire story of the Bible is accomplished in human history.
Many people don’t know who Jesus truly is.
Folks, Christmas is all about Christ. It is all about saving you; it is not about presents, Santa, drinking, gluttony, meeting up with family and friends.
It is about how God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
Those that believe in God have faith.
For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary as to what will happen this next year. Those who don’t believe in the one true God will never know until it is here.
A lot is happening behind the scenes in our world.
A great deal of evil has descended into the open. The world’s people now see clearly, and the Deep State and the Left are panicked.
CEOs of top companies are resigning.
Hollywood is dying, and the Media and the Biden Regime lies in the rot of their own making.
A historically unprecedented worldwide awakening is happening, where hundreds of millions of people are beginning to see how their governments, media, and health organizations are unspeakably corrupt.
These governmental bureaucrats have lied to the people in ways nobody could have ever imagined in their worst nightmares.
As a result, massive amounts of people in every nation no longer blindly submit themselves to the criminal plans of these totalitarians.
The people have risen to take back their freedoms from these enemies wishing to harm them.
Remember, “Know your enemies.” The Enemy hates the light of truth, which wins in the end. Even Bloomberg and Axios are reporting the numbers put out by the Biden regime of those vaccinated are a lie.
- Over thirty percent of all law enforcement, firefighters, and nurses stand up against the vaccine mandates in California.
- At least half of all physicians in America refuse vaccine tyranny.
- Medical organizations that resist the plan to inject a toxic bioweapon into the entire world population are being formed in every nation of the world.
We were enslaved by these Globalists the left loves so much.
For the past century, the media has had a monopoly on the mind of humanity.
These organizations determined strictly what the world was allowed to think, believe or do, without anybody having the slightest clue how the news was manipulating them.
Those of us who dared to question the media narrative were censored ridiculed. Some of us even sued because of our message of awakening the public.
Look at what is happening to the beloved Marxist’s CNN at this moment. It is full of Pedophiles, and they are being arrested. Are you surprised?
The same media who lied about President Trump, the same press who coordinates their stories for their benefactors, and their minions are getting the justice due them.

President Trump exposed them why do you think they hate him so much?
Facebook was – believe it or not – created by military intelligence agencies as a tool for spying on and controlling all of humanity. FaceBook was not started by that little weasel Mark Zuckerburg; DARPA developed it.
For all of you Marxists in Marshall, this means – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the central research and development organization for the US Department of Defense.
But alas, what happened is many users on FB used the forum to disseminate truths that the government and criminal agencies desperately wanted to hide from the world. When Facebook saw this, they panicked and censored it, but they were too late. YouTube- Twitter, even the Internet same story.
Another example is the toxic medical experiments incorrectly called vaccines, a bioweapon intended to enslave every human being to a never-ending series of booster shots.
The Deep State’s “Great Reset” has backfired, and it is alerting hundreds of millions and soon billions to the criminal nature of governments, health agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry.
When you go after the children, it wakes up the masses.
Here in America, we see how the Biden administration intended to enslave the American people to communist China, but this is waking up even large numbers of hard-core liberals because Biden is pushing things way too far.
Biden didn’t beat President Trump; he and the Deep State, along with many in the Democrat party and Rinos in the Republican Party, stole it.
Anything you steal has to be returned, and the diamonds will arrive home to the real President very soon.
The chess game is out of plays, the winner is already decided.
Let the wicked increase the tyranny. Let the Deep State put healthy humans in quarantine camps for no reason whatsoever.
Let them impose mandates that are so ridiculous that only the very stupid will fall for them.
They are digging their own grave. They will fall into the traps they put out for humanity.
Folks, This was not just another four-year election.

Listen to what Trump said in 2017 above.
He has gone nowhere.
Trump is going after it all! Which means he is going to destroy and expose all of them.
The diamonds will be returned to their rightful owners
“We the People’.
It is over for Biden and his regime. He and Kamala are a complete disaster and are failing fast.
BREAKING: The CDC is withdrawing its standing request to the FDA to grant emergency use authorization for Covid-19 PCR tests.
After 20 months of lies, the CDC can no longer hide that its use of Covid-19 PCR tests was fake “science” but true fear-mongering.
All Lies will be revealed…

- The Deep State has lost. The chess board is out of moves.
- The Democrat Party will be virtually nonexistent after 2022.
- The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is naming individuals, and all the pedophiles are being exposed.
- The January 6 commission has been caught illegally falsifying data they are toast. Not that anyone cared what they were doing because it was a witch hunt based on a made up insurrection hoax.
- Many States have found massive election fraud and are exposing it to the public; what is next? DECERTIFYING.
- Democrats are retiring in mass
- Abortion is on the Supreme Courts’ docket. Finally the murder of the innocent will be heard.
- The Clinton Foundation has collapsed.
- Jullian Assange is coming to America, and Seth Rich’s actual murderers will be exposed.
- All lies will be revealed.
In the video above, President Trump asked all of us to be warriors for the truth and our country.
We all need to stand up! We are Trump’s Army and proudly call ourselves Patriots.
I have a lot to say coming in 2022.
I want my followers to understand that I do not fear the reprobates who want our movement destroyed.
I have some big surprises coming for them.
I want you to rest and remember what Christmas is truly about this season.
God loves all of you and even those who don’t know him.
Put your armor of his around you, Patriots, because the Enemy is cornered and dying; they will put up a final fight.
God has already won…
I wish all of you a glorious Christmas.
I will be back next year with a patriotic roar-CH
Below is Clint Parker of the Weaverville Tribunes article on the Rupe lawsuit and gag order against me. He did a great job, and I appreciate his work in this story. I have still not been served…
Remember Sun Tzu’s prophetic words years ago.
Sun Tzu
The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself…
Former Candidate sues Blogger
By Clint Parker
A former Madison County candidate for county commissioner has filed a lawsuit against a Madison County blogger in federal court, claiming she was defamed by information that the blogger published. According to the lawsuit filed October 5th, of this year in federal court, former candidate Rupa Vickey Russe is seeking more than $75,000 in damages.
Russe is suing Cindie Harmon, a Madison County blogger known for her hard hitting, no-holds-bar blog posts about politicians and public figures. Russe alleges Harmon’s post “specific false statements” about Russe, which Russe then gives examples in the suit such as:
“Rupa has a rap sheet over 24 pages long, which includes forfeitures, bankruptcy larceny and abuse of her daughter…”
“Took someone else’s trademark assaulted her child tax-delinquent Buncombe larceny buncombe and the beat goes on…”
“Rupa Russe – the idiot with the rap sheet of larceny assault delinquency of taxes…”
“Maybe the skillset you mean are the facts that you like to bully individuals on Facebook and assault your own child..”
Russe goes on to state in the brief that the 2019 charges alleging she hit her daughter was “voluntarily dismissed.” Russe also goes into a defense of the allegations in the 23-page suit and then appears to bring up Harmon’s support of Donald Trump as part of her defamation suit.
On October 7th, Russe filed an amendment to the suit, trying to get it sealed from public view and a gag order put in place. Russe in the suit states, “…Plaintiff requests that the court ‘issue a protective order to completely seal this lawsuit, issue a protective Gag Order for all participants and Attorneys in this matter, and for this case to proceed under anonymity… until after a final decision has been rendered by this court.”
However, in his ruling, Judge Carleton Metcalf stated, “Proceeding with this matter entirely under seal could also create administrative burdens and other issues for the Clerk of Court’s office, counsel, and the parties themselves.” He also states that it was “…common law and the First Amendment that materials filed in court will be unsealed.” He added, as he denied the motion, “Plaintiff is an adult who chose to enter the political arena and now to file this litigation, asserting claims against Defendant as a result of Defendant’s alleged statements and activities concerning Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s political campaign.”
Harmon says she had not been served
The Tribune spoke with Harmon about the lawsuit. Harmon claims she has not been served with any notice of a suit. The copy of the lawsuit obtained by the Tribune is marked that Harmon had been hand-served the lawsuit, to which Harmon responded, “If she claims I was served with these papers, I was not served.” Harmon said she saw the suit when someone pulled it off of the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) system for her.
Harmon says she documents her claims made on her blog with copies of official documents and links to sources. Harmon said several statements in the lawsuit are false. She admits she campaigned against Russe and came up with slogans like “Don’t get duped by Rupa.” Her use of name-calling in her opinion blogs is well-known by her readers, but she maintains that nothing in her blogs with links and documents could be considered false.
The Tribune had several questions about this lawsuit, such as why was it filed in federal court when it was a county race, why she brought Harmon’s support of Trump into the suit and how that related to any defamatory statements Harmon may have made about Russe, and if she was now living in Virginia as stated on the lawsuit. The paper also wanted to ask how Russe knew why Harmon’s website,, was de-platformed. According to the lawsuit, Russe stated Harmon’s website was removed “…by her hosting company due to her statements on her website that supported the actions leading up to and on January 6, 2021 at the Washington DC capital.” Harmons said she was not even told by the hosting company why her website was de-platformed, so she’s not sure how Russe would know.
Clint Parker Weaverville Tribune
Below is another short great video and then a previous blog post by myself “When the Hunter becomes the Hunted”.