Wise Guys or better yet the five stupid Men of Madison…

Agenda for tomorrow’s meeting
Tomorrow is the hearing for Land Use Ordinance amendments – Remember the last commissioners meeting…
I just love the first paragraph below, “Interpretation of Commonly Used Terms and Words.
Folks, this is just laughable.
Since when does Wimpy-Brad Guth understand Land Use terminology? Remember, he and Noor used language like Grandfathered for months when the legal term is Non Conforming use.
At the last meeting, he even showed his complete misunderstanding of NC Zoning law by claiming, “It was he who decides who gets a variance.”
Sorry, Wimpy, but that would be the Board of Adjustment, not you. Why did it take so long for him and that clerk Mandy Bradley Fish to post these changes on the County’s website?

They should have been posted prior to his announcement at the last commissioner’s meeting, not two weeks later.
Hillbilly Deep State
The commissioners held another meeting at the library on March 23 2023; it was not videotaped, but here is what happened…
- The new courthouse is in the planning stage, with preliminary plans being drawn up. It better not be in the 75 million dollar price range
- To run a sewer between Mars Hill and Marshall, they need more money for a presumed cost of $15 million. These Commissioners hope to get it from the legislature. Hope Huh…
But folks what if they don’t?
Chew on that and thank Forrest Gillium and Madison County commissioners for this decision.
The Taxpayers of Madison County most of which have wells will have to pay for the incompetence and malfeasance over the years in downtown Marshall’s government.
As for the land use ordinance, Brad Guth pronounced Goof stated that they are using John Noor’s 3-7-23 copy. These commissioners wrangled for over two hours on the ordinance. Guth and Planning Board Chairman Silvers answered commissioner questions.
The ordinance would not apply to religious institutions, according to Wood Pile. Elmer Gantry followed up by saying they would have to provide proof (of being a religious institution).
I love it when Coppers don’t know what the NC general statutes actually say. Then they bloviate their incompetence onto the public for ten minutes, concluding why they should not be in an elected office or law enforcement.
Where does it say this oh great Gantry in the below application for property tax exemption or exclusion?
How will you make someone show proof when it is not required in this NC GENERAL STATUTE?
This is the statute the Madison County Tax Administration uses Einstein.
According to this little document below, which must only be submitted once. Relies on the fact you swear that you are telling the truth. This means, for all of you in Marshall, no oversight.
You just can’t make this stuff up!
The Madison County commissioners are only opening the door for more witches and weirdos to come into the county and call themselves a Church and then operate unabated as an event facility. Heck, the Zoo can reopen; look at the statute on page one- D-2.
A charitable purpose has humane and philanthropic objectives; it
NC GS 105-278.3
is an activity that benefits humanity or a significant rather than limited
segment of the community without expectation of pecuniary profit or reward.
The humane treatment of animals is also a charitable purpose.
Folks, do you see above just in this one paragraph what could happen to this county?
Who makes the most money off this? Why those two overpaid attorneys Madison County commissioners have hired? John Noor is just padding his way into billing to make partner at Roberts and Stevens, and I still haven’t figured out what Donny Laws does except cost the county money. Remember, all five commissioners voted for Laws and Bradley.
Wood Pile and Garrison are the ones pushing this church exemption. Why is Wood Pile pushing this? He just got kicked out of his church; what did you do, Wood Pile, to get kicked out of your church?
Besides, look at all these churches below not paying a dime in taxes to the Madison County coffer. The total amount of these exemptions is 35 million seven hundred and forty-eight one hundred and thirteen dollars. That is a lost revenue of over $200,000 dollars a year.
When you drive around the country roads this summer in Madison County because you can’t afford to go to the beach or fix up your home this summer, notice how pristine and well-kept these jewels below are; remember they can afford this because they don’t pay property taxes.
Next year when your taxes go up to pay for Madison County commissioner’s bad decisions and for that unplanned pathetic water and sewer line of Forest Gilliam and Fried Chicken, just think about it you can always turn your property into a church.
Here is some input I requested for this story tonight.
I asked what viewers wanted me to discuss it is below..
1. Probably the most urgent thing we need is for some folks who are willing to step forward and challenge the status quo.
2. Why can the town of Mars Hill have a professional audit and the county can’t?
3. What is the real cost of joining Mars Hill and Marshall with a water and sewer line?
4. Who do nonprofits benefit?
I am glad this was asked because there is more news on the Food Bank Beacon of Hope.
Look below, folks; this is the Beacon of Hope, the Food Bank that just purchased a building listed at $750,000 on the Bypass.
Where did they get this money?
If Mana Food Bank can’t afford to do this, why are they able?
This is a Cynthia Niles building. Weren’t the lefties supposedly going after her over her flag in her Pharmacist parking lot a little over a year ago?
Sounds just like the Reeds – French Broad Asphalt those that attacked them, they up and sell to them -(Reclaim Madison) and then put a sign of the enemy right in their front yard. I simply cannot understand why you would do such a thing. Is money that important?
Beacon Of Hope bought a $750,000 building, and now they are begging on Go Fund Me…Priceless

Beacon of Hope could not be more excited to announce that we have found our FOREVER HOME…!!!
The purchase of our new space will allow us to deepen our roots within the community and build equity, creating additional sustainability and security for our organization.
The Nitty Gritty Details: The property Beacon is under contract to purchase is located at 5111 US 25/70 (the old “Bee Fit” gym/”Mattress by Appointment” building).
The space is 4,800 sf and has enough space for our soon-to-be upgraded thrift store, our food pantry, AND the laundromat, which will remain open to the community, while being brought into the folds of Beacon’s programming as a laundromat collective.Beacon of Hope’s due diligence period ended March 31st, with an anticipated closing date for our new home on April 27th.
To that end, we reaching out to YOU, our community, asking for your help to make our dream come true!!
There are several renovation projects necessary to open up the space that will serve as our food pantry, a client choice shopping space needs to be constructed, carpet removal, floors sanded and sealed, a bay door installed, new paint job for our new beginning, signage, parking lot paved and sealed, additional parking spaces chalked off, on top of all of the expenses related to moving an entire on-site 7-day-a-week operation, and securing the final funds necessary for our down payment…WHEW!!!If you are able to make a financial contribution, that would be absolutely FANTABULOUS!!!
Beacon Of Hope
This video was sent to me by someone who received some of that good food from this food bank.
Would you eat this? Isn’t that meat log one of the companies with Ecoli recalls?
I guess the Beacon Hope Swells take home for themselves that good ole Fresh Market food, huh?
More Questions from you folks…
5. Is Madison County now a sanctuary county, as Harwood and his puppet Elmer Garrison envision?
6. How will commissioners spend the drug settlement windfall? Will it be Methadone clinics just like the kind DOGWOOD TRUST has built-in Asheville?
Or will this money go to give out more needles so law-abiding citizens can get jabbed by a druggie’s needle while going to their mailbox?
7. Speaking of poison jabs -Why do the Madison County Health Department and Tammy Cody keep pushing the jab?
Finally, Why didn’t Heil Hoffman post anything sympathetic concerning the Rainbow Jihad killing at a Christian School in Nashville?
Do these children and adults below not matter?
Or do they not matter to the Madison County School System?
Crickets are you catching on folks?

Is it because Hoffman, like Tammy Cody, is in bed with the Marxists of Dogwood Trust? You better watch these grants; like a snake, they can come back and bite you when you least expect it…
Update Harwood has released the felon from employment at Madison County Sheriff’s Department; see story below.
Diane Young – ( her father-in-law was the victim in this accident) deserves kudos for her diligence in demanding justice and oversite in Madison County government.
One of the biggest stories I have ever researched and written is coming this week- The Titanic has a crack, and it is taking on water- CH